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How long did it take you to get over the loss of that one person you thought was the love of your life?

Was it really the love of your life?
NoYou · 26-30, M
6 months and still counting.. and well I think so. But we didn’t break up she died so I guess that makes a difference.
brokenwhiskeyglass · 22-25, M
@NoYou So sorry to hear that.
@NoYou You make a certain peace with it, and it fades to a dull ache. It is different than a breakup because to quote a line from a movie, “the dead make few mistakes”. I lost my husband decades ago and don’t know if we would even still be together, had he lived. I remember the good things, and there were many. Most people are able to move forward, and chances you will too, with time.
NoYou · 26-30, M
@bijouxbroussard I was planning to marry her this August.. was waiting for my Graduation. It’s going to be a bitter summer but thank you that did make me feel a little better. :)
SpaceCreature · 26-30, F
Months. And no it was mostly infatuation.
NoYou · 26-30, M
Infatuated over me now muhhaha @SpaceCreature
Dusty101 · F
I was young.. naive living in the USA alone.. from ireland.
Met a photographer guy! Half way through the year he went to Kuwait. On my last night he arrived back to say goodbye but promising me he'd come to Ireland. I flew home. He never got in touch.. I bumped into him in a random pub in Dublin City. . 5 months later.. his lies broke my heart. I flew to Switzerland to work and get my mind off him. It took me a while.. as I was dating men who reminded me of him. Could have been a stupid 13 years of pining and wishing he was mine..
Until I decided to date men who were the complete opposite of him. That's when I met my boyfriend now hubby. I still hold a stupid flame for this USA man.. but it's not a roaring fire anymore.
brokenwhiskeyglass · 22-25, M
@Dusty101 Wow, 13 years is a considerable amount of time, I hope it doesn't take me that long. It's not nice at all to miss someone whom you know you can't ever be together with again. Thanks for sharing your story. 🙂
Dusty101 · F
@brokenwhiskeyglass I was very naive. . Not mature mentally to handle it. He got in touch two years ago on messenger apologising.. 24 something years later.. I'm a forgiving person... but NAH.. if he irish danced all the way back to me tomorrow camera and Guinness and all I'd tell him to f**k off!!! 😆
... it's been nearly a year and a half now and i'm still bitter about it even though deep down i knew it could never work out. we were too toxic for each other. i don't know why i wanted him so bad when he made me so miserable.
brokenwhiskeyglass · 22-25, M
@SW-User I can relate.
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
Not sure you ever do.
brokenwhiskeyglass · 22-25, M
@Picklebobble2 😥I hope I do.
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
@brokenwhiskeyglass Well, you're a lot younger than I so your chances are a lot better I would think.
I don't know. It's like they burn a hole in your soul !
brokenwhiskeyglass · 22-25, M
@Picklebobble2 I hope that's true and yeah, that's a pretty accurate way of describing the sensation they leave you with when they're no longer around.
Bluemoon · 26-30, F
A year and still counting. In fact we’re going to meet up for a casual drink. This is going to make me decide wether I’m over him or just make things worse.
Never have, but it’s not an obsessive thing. And im mot sure, there is a lot of life left.
I will never get over him or forget him. Ever.
brokenwhiskeyglass · 22-25, M
@SW-User I used to think that too and quite honestly, I kinda still do a little bit, but I've come to the realization that with that sort of mentality, I strongly decrease the odds of getting over that time in my life or finding someone better. I know it's much easier said than done but I believe it's best not to think that way.
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
Those that I have had feelings about, I still do. While it's been over a decade since I have been really close to anyone, there has been quite a few that I really cared about other than family. Some may call them friends, yet to me it was far more than friendship. I am not a possessive type.
Mrsbetweenfatandfit · 26-30, F
About a year and a half. I was delusional. It was about emotional dependency not real genuine selfless love

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