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Offer you beverage. It's the polite thing to do.
Blondgrl2004 · 31-35, F
take the pizza and close the door without paying you
GreenGoddess · F
@Blondgrl2004 Savage 😂
Blondgrl2004 · 31-35, F
see i can be a bad girl sometimes
GreenGoddess · F
Stab you 37 times in the chest.
Show you to the bathroom with the leaky shower. I have to be somewhere in an hour so I'd appreciate it if you could get that fixed asap.
LadyBronte · 56-60, F
Hand you the dry cleaning and tell you I expect it back in exactly 3 days. Then shoo you out the door.
...hand you a box marked "DONATIONS"
I appreciate you taking this to the drop box for me. Yer a real pal. 😬
I appreciate you taking this to the drop box for me. Yer a real pal. 😬
Mamapolo2016 · F
Hand you the dry-cleaning?