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touchofgray · 56-60, M
It exists but it’s hard to find and keep.
littlepinklotus · 41-45, F
@touchofgray ya I've never found the lasting kind.
touchofgray · 56-60, M
It takes time. When a person is in a hurry they tend to find the wrong ones.
littlepinklotus · 41-45, F
@touchofgray well sweet heart I'm not getting any younger....
melloquacious · 36-40, M
I think you gotta love yourself first, but I could be wrong. Still haven't found it, myself.
littlepinklotus · 41-45, F
@melloquacious I know plenty of people who love themselves that still haven't found love.
melloquacious · 36-40, M
@littlepinklotus Damn, well there goes that theory. Oh well, life is better with self-respect, anyway.
Easy come easy go little hi little low anywayy the wind blowsss just dont matter to meeee
I think it does, but true love is rare af
littlepinklotus · 41-45, F
@SW-User sadly you're probably right.
@littlepinklotus I hope I'm wrong as fuck. 😫
CopperCicada · M
love exists whether we realize it or not. it's our nature. the nature of reality.
LyricalOne · F
Oh yes, it exists.
AngelKrish · 26-30, M
Yes, it exists!
If i define love❤ ,well it is most beautiful thing ! Love creates a connection between two souls without any wire, love is above over needs, body attractions, sex , and profit or loss ,just time pass etc
True love creates better personality of both individuals who truely love❤ each other from heart and by day they become better and better , more responsible, more carrying, mutual understanding, hard working,creates more sense,make person more loyal,honest, emotionally and 🏋mentally strong 💪..
True love❤ is between two individuals when they both 💑🎡love each other...
If i define love❤ ,well it is most beautiful thing ! Love creates a connection between two souls without any wire, love is above over needs, body attractions, sex , and profit or loss ,just time pass etc
True love creates better personality of both individuals who truely love❤ each other from heart and by day they become better and better , more responsible, more carrying, mutual understanding, hard working,creates more sense,make person more loyal,honest, emotionally and 🏋mentally strong 💪..
True love❤ is between two individuals when they both 💑🎡love each other...
touchofgray · 56-60, M
Can’t watch the clock. I’m 50 and still questioning things.
touchofgray · 56-60, M
I agree. My questions are always right. The answers I come up with are the problem lol.
@touchofgray lol have you seen answers we post here? 🤣🤣
touchofgray · 56-60, M
Good point lol
Chap0406 · 41-45, F
You know it exists... You just are trying to hide your feelings!
littlepinklotus · 41-45, F
@Chap0406 maybe for some it exists sis.
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littlepinklotus · 41-45, F
@phoenix415 if its not worth it was it really love?
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Loretta78 · 46-50, F
When love really exist so I've never experienced it.
Love does exist and when it exists, it will become fantasy.
I know mine actually amounts to something. Mine is real
Dankness · M
Depends on your thoughts and feelings on it I guess.
Abstraction · 61-69, M
Love requires character. Not to fall in love, that's easy. That's about feelings YOU get.
But to actually love someone and stay in love you have to become a person who is capable of it. That's rare. And as you know, it takes two.
I think it's particularly rare among men to have that kind of character. I don't know - do you agree?
But to actually love someone and stay in love you have to become a person who is capable of it. That's rare. And as you know, it takes two.
I think it's particularly rare among men to have that kind of character. I don't know - do you agree?
jackson55 · M
It does for some, fantasy for others.
It is lovely whatever it is
Love for parents, kids
littlepinklotus · 41-45, F
@SW-User no couples
Miram · 31-35, F
It's us îf we wish to and in the conñections we form.
Some people don't have the experience of being loved but you can still find love in them. It's innate. Love of good, of peace , of kindness..
Some people don't have the experience of being loved but you can still find love in them. It's innate. Love of good, of peace , of kindness..
As you posted under a specific group & also mentioned the context being between/among couples, then it is just a need otherwise love is our core and thus present in all for All.
IAmJess · 22-25, F
Of course it exists; just as surely as hate exists.
littlepinklotus · 41-45, F
@IAmJess its sad though. Hate seems easier to find though.
IAmJess · 22-25, F
@littlepinklotus Hate is a lot easier than love.
littlepinklotus · 41-45, F
@IAmJess that's true
PoetryNEmotion · F
It exists as surely as I breathe.