It needs love definition to understand better!
If i define love❤ ,well it is most beautiful thing ! Love creates a connection between to souls without any wire, love is above over needs, body attractions, sex , and profit or loss ,just time pass etc
True love creates better personality of both individuals who truely love❤ each other from heart and by day they become better and better , more responsible, more carrying, mutual understanding, hard working,creates more sense,make person more loyal,honest, emotionally and 🏋mentally strong 💪..
True love❤ is between two individuals when they both 💑🎡love each other...
But is love is just one sided then it is not true love because it is just one's can cause harm 🔪to a person who falls in one sided love !
People usually falls in one sided love and spoils💔 their life, which is like wasting your life and your time ⌛for a person who don't care about you and your love ! So it is incomplete love!
A person who had heart broken💔 in one sided love must try to don't loss himself for anyone who don't care him !
He must try to cope up from that loss and try to move on ! I know it feels impossible in that situation but nothing is impossible this is true
Person must try to be positive, or he get surrounded by negative feeling then he must try to come out of them , to become positive ! As one candle🕯 alone burn in dark room and light the negative darkness of room with positive light 🕯.
And that person must wait for true love to come in his life!
It feels that it's impossible to love again in one sided love but it truly possible that you will get true love in life which will be most suitable for you ,you will meet right person in your life who will fill your life with light of love and happiness !
If i define love❤ ,well it is most beautiful thing ! Love creates a connection between to souls without any wire, love is above over needs, body attractions, sex , and profit or loss ,just time pass etc
True love creates better personality of both individuals who truely love❤ each other from heart and by day they become better and better , more responsible, more carrying, mutual understanding, hard working,creates more sense,make person more loyal,honest, emotionally and 🏋mentally strong 💪..
True love❤ is between two individuals when they both 💑🎡love each other...
But is love is just one sided then it is not true love because it is just one's can cause harm 🔪to a person who falls in one sided love !
People usually falls in one sided love and spoils💔 their life, which is like wasting your life and your time ⌛for a person who don't care about you and your love ! So it is incomplete love!
A person who had heart broken💔 in one sided love must try to don't loss himself for anyone who don't care him !
He must try to cope up from that loss and try to move on ! I know it feels impossible in that situation but nothing is impossible this is true
Person must try to be positive, or he get surrounded by negative feeling then he must try to come out of them , to become positive ! As one candle🕯 alone burn in dark room and light the negative darkness of room with positive light 🕯.
And that person must wait for true love to come in his life!
It feels that it's impossible to love again in one sided love but it truly possible that you will get true love in life which will be most suitable for you ,you will meet right person in your life who will fill your life with light of love and happiness !

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djjohnson · 41-45, M
There is nothing wrong with making a judgment call even when you don't know everything. The problem is when we insist we are right even if someone else disagrees with us or if evidence comes that shows a different story. That is what it means to be accepting. Allowing yourself to be wrong and others right.
idk we all judge and have different criteria on what we judge. i have a hard time trusting others so love comes hard.
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LyricalOne · F
We're human. We all judge. We all have expectations. Don't overthink it.

I think love should be without all conditions and expectations
Ajz59852 · 36-40, M