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Should I tell him I like him?

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Okay guys, so there is this boy that I liked in high school, freshman year we had the same health class together and EVERY time I would look up he would be all the way turned around looking at me smiling. I kind of thought he liked me but at the same time he acted like he didn't.. u know, the usual thing boys do. But anyways, we kept in touch and stayed friends and fastfoward now we are in our junior year of college. He goes to school a few hours away and recently all of my feelings randomly came back.. i guess its because we've been kind of talking more lately? but i feel like after all this time he won't like me... but i actually REALLY really like him. I want him so bad. So heres the question, should i tell him that i like him???? or would it be just weird after like 6 years? (haven't seen each other in 3) help!!!!!
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Serenitree · F Best Comment
Here's the deal. Tell him, and you will know for sure, one way or another. Best scenario, he feels as you do. Worst scenario, he doesn't and feels less comfortable so doesn't want to continue the casual friendship.

In the first scenario, you win big. In the second, you lose, not much.
thetucker · 61-69, M
@Serenitree @ilipana18 Very true, then not letting it continue with the hopes and energy of making it something it won't be if he isn't interested.

Not just yet. I would suggest maybe trying to hang out in person before doing all that because honestly college changes people. You don't know if he's the same person he was in high school. Talking to someone on the phone is way different than talking to someone in person.
thetucker · 61-69, M
Time sometimes makes the heart grow fonder. Since the two of you are talking more lately, suggest the two of you get together. Just a simple, hey, I've really enjoyed talking with you, it's been a long times since we've seen each other. Do you want to get together?

Simple. Chances are he'd say yes. If he didn't like you, why would he spend the time talking with you so much? If he says no, which I doubt, then years down the road you won't be wondering what if I did ask.
Wishingwellguy · 46-50, M
I guess take it slow and show a mild interest , talk about the random , but meaningful things you shared back in school , the messages will be clear . Either way
Mugin16 · 46-50, M
Just tell him. Tell him it would be nice to meet again and see how he reacts.
english · 56-60, M
put yourself in his place, ask yourself how would feel? 🙂
ilipana18 · 26-30, F
Zonuss · 46-50, M

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