I think it's important to spend time away from your partner, especially when you are living together. For my partner and I, going work is enough for us. But I do like to lock myself in the lounge and write in peace sometimes, and he plays his video games.
AliceMortem · 31-35, F
@lauriethecolourful sounds perfect
due to our schedules, my gf and i dont get to spend alot of time together..... probably three days a week. that gives us the needed time away from each other.
AliceMortem · 31-35, F
@YourMomsSecretCrush it's about 3-4 days with us and that's plenty enough. When one or both of us starts getting agitated we spend a while apart
@AliceMortem yep, i think you appreciate the other person alot more if you dont spend every single day together. people tend to get on each others nerves if together too much.
AliceMortem · 31-35, F
@YourMomsSecretCrush we don't talk when we're not together either other than to arrange things or if I'm asking what he wants for dinner etc. I can't imagine being in a relationship where my bf has to be in contact with me 24/7 whether in person or through the phone. The thought brings me out in a rash 😂

Always. I’m distant by nature.
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@AliceMortem That’s good. My ex didn’t take that well. The more distant I got the more clingy he got.
AliceMortem · 31-35, F
@SW-User same with more than one of my ex's, then they started throwing around cheating accusations when I wasn't and I was done at that point and broke it off. It's too stifling

@AliceMortem I can relate.

Yes.. too much is too much:)
AliceMortem · 31-35, F
@SW-User I find I run out of things to say and then get irritated easily. Need some time to recharge my batteries lol

@AliceMortem Yea I need my "alone" time.
PlumBerries · 31-35, F
yes I need a lot of space otherwise I start feeling what I can only imagine people who do the drug "Ice" feel .. start getting itchey skin and so much rage lol
AliceMortem · 31-35, F
@PlumBerries that feeling when even the sound of them breathing or eating makes you want to strangle them 😂
PlumBerries · 31-35, F
haha yes 😂
R5000 · 41-45, M
i need more time with mine!
R5000 · 41-45, M
P.S. I live with her
plungesponge · 41-45, M
break the mood by breaking wind
AliceMortem · 31-35, F
@plungesponge 😂😂😂
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AliceMortem · 31-35, F
@MegynK haha no way
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AliceMortem · 31-35, F
@Mayumi lol I know it's tough. I've had boyfriends who want to be with me 24/7 and it freaked me out. Just try to be understanding with him he still loves you but needs a bit of time to recharge now and again