That's nice dear
LyricalOne · F

folks · 22-25, F
Poor baby. He's oppressed by your lack of oppression. :(
LyricalOne · F
@folks Such is the life of a troll.
iQuit · F
old fashion man huh?

folks · 22-25, F
Build a time machine and take your laptop with you when you go. I recommend Salem, 1693. Maybe they'll drown you for witchcraft. :)
Happy travels!

Happy travels!

mother must be delighted
folks · 22-25, F
A man even a mother couldn't love.
ProfessionalHauler · 22-25, M
There are women that would still agree
So that's it? Is that all she is good for?

Meh okay, stay in the old era then

Lol! You think
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@datboi sshhh don't speak too loud

And that's why this "new age shit" you complain about exist.
And using Peanutoil on your asshole, right?