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Guys do you wear a condom? Ladies would you sleep with a man who didn't wear a condom?

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I did once and yep I got pregnant
Only after he has been cleared by my doctor
Yes always until we both decide its ok not to but that would be when it was a commited relationship.

I dont believe in one night stands and sex to me is an important part of a relationship and I only associate it with being in one.
nedkelly · 61-69, M
I have never worn a condom, not all men sleep around, same as ladies
Since I don't sleep around, yes.
Wonkeyeyedgirl07 · 31-35, F
Please wear condoms or abstain from sex. I just got my test results back and my heart pounded through my chest all i thought was what if i got something. It came back clean but i told myself i would never do this unprotected again. I also havent been back in my husbands bed since we broke up for a long time and got back together because im scared to get a std. He is a known liar and i rufuse to put my life into someones hands over horrible
Pfuzylogic · M
I wore one once with my first wife.
Friendlyman64 · 61-69, M
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If we were in a committed relationship yeah. Not when I'm just getting to know someone though. The first time I ever had sex it was like 2am or something ridicules like that and I made him go out and get condoms.
Well, not as a standard accessory...e.g., a purse or something similar.
waynekerr · 51-55, M
Depends who she is, how long I've known her and if she's up to it or not
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ItsGonnaBeOk · 26-30, M
It doesn't feel the same I don't like them but I have to
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MasterLee · 56-60, M
Lanyx · 46-50, M
Only if she puts it on for me as part of foreplay.
AlphaCuckTX · 56-60, M
No condoms anymore, no worries about STD's.
As long as he didn't have any weird shit dripping outta his cock that looks like an STD
Shipwrecked · 46-50, M
@SW-User Good plan... preliminary inspection. 😉
Chickie · F
People shouldn't be fucking if they don't like condoms either die one or have their gentials hacked off.

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