noorderlicht · 31-35
I don't even know how it could ever be possible to fall in love with someone online. Because online, I think, we all show the best of ourselves, or how we WANT to be, but you only get to know someone truly when you live together with that person day in day out. I'd be VERY afraid of getting catfished. I'd even wander is his photo really him? It's not the first time women get catfished so often on the internet. My alarm-moments would be the words "i love you'" before we have even met, or when I try to meet him he'll always have an excuse (especially if he asks for money to get to you, don't ever fall into that!!!!!!)

I know couples who met online and are now married. Crazy to think about it that way. I think it's possible still, but rare.
PlumBerries · 31-35, F
😨but why just stop with the internet. maybe women in person are men just catfishing
Challenger1 · M
It is a tough place to meet someone. You only know what they tell or show you. And we all consciously or unconsciously put our best foot forwards, which is easier to do online. So we typically seem nicer than we are or more put together. But we are all human. I think it can work if you are actually honest with each other and do eventually meet up... But it is rare. Usually the fantasies and imaginings of the people involved doesn't hold up to the reality of meeting. In person is better.
I would be afraid to fall in love with someone online.
I would be afraid to fall in love with someone online.
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Yep! it's a fact, all women on the internet are 60 plus year old men.
rickfreeman15 · 26-30, M
Trust me, its a bad idea to fall in love online. . . I'm never going to let that happen again
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PlumBerries · 31-35, F
if that lets you sleep easier, well yeah sure lol
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PlumBerries · 31-35, F
nah phone calls wouldn't help. sure I might consider the person a friend but it wouldn't go further then that. I need actual in person contact with someone
PlumBerries · 31-35, F
I have never fallen for someone online. cant fall for someone by just reading responses from someone, I need a lot more then that to feel love for someone

AngelicLights: That is why I like video calls on Skype. So you know it's really them in their picture.
AllSmilesAndAwkwardness · 26-30, F
@PlumBerries what if you talked in the phone for at least an hour every day for a year? :P
sighmeupforthat · 46-50, M
no, that's not going to happen.
no fear here.
no fear here.
clayanthony · 51-55, M
i cant imagine ever doing that
PlumBerries · 31-35, F
yes women are just a myth on the internet
Tobeornottobe · 26-30, F
My rule, Skype or FaceTime day 2. If they refuse I cut them off 😊
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