your age? Real question. Never been through divorce, but have been through two separations and the first time I got better support. To begin to imagine, the next time I was older (obvious) and it was by nine years, and also having a father that died too, and somehow unlike how the time before, they were more distant this time. I know it's judgmental of me, but the older my friends get they display less heart.
ElPhonse · M
@SW-User I guess im being unreasonable because I can't expect people would leave their comfortable lives to come stay here so I won't be lonely. Still though, I feel being alone every day forever hurts.
It’s just words. Kind of like when I lost my mom and people would say,”Let us know if you need anything.” And then I can’t reach them. The people in my church followed through and brought us meals for two weeks, watched my son when I couldn’t, and pitched in money so we could go away for some quiet and rest in the mountains. It’s all words with people who really don’t care.
coolboy86 · 36-40, M
people are all talk
ElPhonse · M
I'm just bitter and even envious of others who are not suffering as I am or are even enjoying happiness in their relationships.