LyricalOne · F
If I wanted a hairless cat, I'd buy one of the four-legged variety.
What an awesome response :) you're a legend!! @LyricalOne
LyricalOne · F
@Chrisy1 😉
RumorHasIt · F
The first time is the worst and it varies from person to person.. I would take a couple of Advil about 30 min. before..
southerngal121 · 36-40, F
I got one over the weekend lol
MasterLee · 56-60, M
Whatever it takes

I don't think it hurts any worse than waxing your eyebrows, underarms, and legs.

uhhhhh i don't need to be completely hairless i'll pass
Hollywood · 51-55, M
Nothing u can't handle.

my ex did them a lot. she said they didnt hurt that bad.