Doomsdaysmores · 41-45, M
It could be anything really. She sees something between the two of you that she doesn't see as compatible and doesn't want to invest time, effort, and energy in something she doesn't believe is going to last.
Madhatter · 31-35, M
More often than not, I imagine that means "It's totally you, but I don't want to hurt your feelings, because I know you had the best of intentions, but this just isn't working."
She don't think you're both compatible so she's breaking up 😊 And she's claiming the fault as her own.. In a way it's true 😆
It means she thinks you are into her (and the relationship) but she doesn't feel the same.. Hence she's the problem 😊
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
That it's not you, it's her
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
It means she is too polite to tell you that it's really you.

Could mean so many things.
It puts you in charge.. I guess @Martin
Doomsdaysmores · 41-45, M
Lol I was joking about the wang.
Only she would truly know the answer to how she feels. If she cared enough about you I would imagine she could at least tell you the truth of why it's not working out.
psynchedpsyche212 · 36-40, M
@martin why should I believe it when it is such a cliche
because it's really her
Aperson · M
It's an old breakup line. It means that she does not find you attractive enough.
psynchedpsyche212 · 36-40, M
@madhatter as I thought
Doomsdaysmores · 41-45, M
You have a small Wang.

She is the one with the issues
Doomsdaysmores · 41-45, M
Like I said... Small wang.
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
I have a personality, and I've got several keys, where does that put me?
Short wangs aren't the only reason to ditch people.. Big dicks get ditched too .. 😆😆🌷
Personality is key.. You either have it or you don't..
Personality is key.. You either have it or you don't..
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
I like the sound of that 😏
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
Cliche doesn't have to make it into a lie, what if your words means something and you're honest, but she thinks that you're lying, then what is the purpose for you to speak even another word?
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
you're all expecting that she's lying :P Why?
TheMandalorianCandidate · 46-50, M
It's so, so, so you. But, I don't want to come across like at bitch
CallmeHopelessNotRomantic · 46-50, F
It's not you it's me- realizing i can do better than you. Or it's not you it's me realizing you can go fuck yourself. Or maybe it's just my definitions lol