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I've been exploring being a little :) (CGL) looking for a few friends interested in trying the lifestyle out of exploring it with me. Message me if you're curious :)
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mathsman · 70-79, M
I do some CGL with some of my students
Specially when they call me Sir or Master
@mathsman CGL is not pedophilia, incest, or illegal if you are talking to people of the right ages.
mathsman · 70-79, M
I only talk to people of the right ages.
@mathsman If you say so
RussellD · 31-35, T
How far have you gone with that?
@RussellD nope
RussellD · 31-35, T
Would you like to have a discreet relationship online with a daddy?
@RussellD Not with you. Enough with the creepy fucking questions.
RemovedUsername8862 · 31-35, M
CGL? If that refers to what I suspect it does, that's a really pretty aesthetic! Congrats on your explorations, I guess.
RemovedUsername8862 · 31-35, M
@RemovedUsername8862 ...I think like I made a mistake, as I believed that CGL was a reference to the Cosplay/Gothic Lolita board on 4chan.
uhm... caregiver/little
Assuming this is the mommy/daddy relationship, not the Change Grow Live charity......
joesand99 · 41-45, M
I am very interested!
@joesand99 I know ya are Joe.
joesand99 · 41-45, M
@insidiousisblindinception Hi My friend!!! hru today?
@joesand99 A lot of freaking stress, honestly. How are you?
Pineapple · 100+, F
what’s CGL?
Pherick · 41-45, M
@Pineapple I even had to look this one up. Something about mom/dad and child roleplaying. From Urban Dictionary ...

Care Giver / Little. CGL, or cg/l, is a relationship in which one person is the caregiver or "daddy/mommy" and the other is childlike. It is NOT a relationship between an actual parent and child or any minor (if sexual). This is a type of BDSM relationship that may or may not involve sex, but often involves play with child-like things, such as stuffed animals, bed-time stories, and spankings. The little part of the relationship is often called the "little one."
Pineapple · 100+, F
@Pherick oh.. 😬 thank you!
@Pineapple hehe...
And which did you want to be?
Eh, I'll pass.
@SW-User Well, check out my other posts and PM me if I'm worthy 😌
@insidiousisblindinception Sounds sorta fishy.
jaymic64 · M
Interesting 🤔

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