midnightrose · F
Not everybody desires to end the current relationship. There are many reasons to stay. Children are a big factor. Mostly I think it's the unknown.
The other person may bring out feelings that make them feel new and intoxicated. They may not have even had an issue with their current relationship until those moments occurred. Their partner probably still has many good qualities that make them want to stay. I don't think every person that cheats desires to hurt their partner. There is a strong pull that can be difficult to walk away from. That's not an excuse, though.
Despite the pain it may cause it doesn't always mean the relationship needs to end. A relationship can survive infidelity, if both want it.
The other person may bring out feelings that make them feel new and intoxicated. They may not have even had an issue with their current relationship until those moments occurred. Their partner probably still has many good qualities that make them want to stay. I don't think every person that cheats desires to hurt their partner. There is a strong pull that can be difficult to walk away from. That's not an excuse, though.
Despite the pain it may cause it doesn't always mean the relationship needs to end. A relationship can survive infidelity, if both want it.
Shin3bright · 31-35, F
@midnightrose ah that sheds new light on my thoughts. I never saw it in this way. That is some deep wisdom! Thanks!
Jackaloftheazuresand · 26-30, M
They want it all
Shin3bright · 31-35, F
Good point! I can see that. @Jackaloftheazuresand
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Yeah my sentiments exactly. Why be in a relationship if you want to cheat.
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Because many reasons
Shin3bright · 31-35, F
@SW-User do tell!
Mondayschild · F
That would be my choice.
No I dated an Italian for 5 years.
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
Because they get seduced, or because they dont care, or because they're really stupid/evil.