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Do ugly girls never get hit on?

I am not fat or overweight, I am slim. Maybe men only like mature looking women because I am 22 but sometimes people tell me I look 15. I never get hit on. Is it possible that I am ugly?
kardis · 41-45, F
Bet you ain't ugly . May be you need to flirt more

This isn't the best place to get advice, most of these pervs think anything is beautiful on here
@kardis true
Lol, I don't think men walk around hitting on every girl they see they find attractive. Many of them lack the confidence and fear rejection. Just because they don't confront you doesn't mean they don't notice you. Your insecurity may keep you from realizing when a guy is hitting on you or even checking you out anyway. 🤷‍♀️
LittleUnicorn · 26-30
@Stark wow, I wasn't aware that actually happened to guys🤔💯
@LittleUnicorn of course. 😀 Many of my guy friends or even guys I've spoken to in the past have told me how it can be difficult to ask a woman out because of rejection, there are many guys but who will notice you for a while but won't make a move. If I was a guy I'd probably be fearful too, not that women can't ask men out it's just not as common of course.
LittleUnicorn · 26-30
@Stark thanks for the info, I ignored all that before this:))
I don't get hit on in rl... And ppl here say I'm pretty..
Shawnkautzman1 · 51-55, M
@SW-User i never get hit on out of my 7 relationships i had only one of those actually hit on me. That really made me feel good. Isn't it the guys that usually do the asking. So my other 6. I asked them out. But single for over 10 years now.
1. This sounds like a question a guy pretending to be a girl would ask.

2. If this was a real question a pic would help

3. To answer your question if you're not getting hit on maybe the guys want you to make the first move, or maybe it's your personality they're not attracted to, or they really don't find you physically attractive. But it's not about what they think. What do you think? Do you think you're ugly?
@euipo well I know I'm not ugly but no one ever hits on me at the grocery store or mall. If I went to bars or clubs I'm sure it'd be a different story but from what I can tell, your looks have nothing to do with wether or not you're getting hit on by guys
euipo · 26-30, F
@TheBlackWidow Oh ok I see. But I see other women on their snapchat who say they get hit on by people such as their uber eats driver who won't stop texting them or a guy at a coffee shop. So I thought that men might or do hit on women in places other than bars or clubs.
@euipo sometimes these things just vary. There's too many factors like how desperate is the guy, how pretty is the girl, what kinda motivations are involved etc. trust me you don't wanna worry about all that, it's not worth the time
I never get hit on either, and I don't think I'm ugly. Maybe I'm just crazy.
@SoftServe Thanks babe.
@SW-User You could also be the other side of the spectrum - people assume you are already taken, so don't bother.
SoftServe · 26-30, M
Anytime 😉
It is possible you merely look underage and most men like being outside of jail or not thought of as a perv (despite evidence to the contrary).
PlumBerries · 31-35, F
I guess I'm proof that a ugly girl gets hit on.. yay me 😱

I'm sure you are amazing though :)
Eyesropen · 61-69, C
You are very cute!@PlumBerries
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euipo · 26-30, F
@Bdj354 No, im pretty sure I don't........
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Fernie · F
Well, you ARE quite shallow suggesting that anyone overweight is ugly...I'll bet THAT has something to do with no one wanting you..ugly on the inside is way worse that being ugly on the outside kiddo
Eyesropen · 61-69, C
I'm thinking people with ugly personalities don't get hit on much....
Fernie · F
@Eyesropen my point exactly...I have zero tolerance for people insulting entire groups of people...sizeism is right up there with sexism and racism in my opinion
Eyesropen · 61-69, C
Not my point exactly, but I think you nailed it when you said you had zero tolerance
Shawnkautzman1 · 51-55, M
Be happy that they thought you were younger than what you are you will understand this as you get older. that's like a compliment saying you look 15. You never want to guess a girls age if you say to her she looks like in her twenties but she is actually in her 30's this is a compliment saying she looks younger than they really are.
DiamondInTheMud · 31-35, M
Lol dress more slutty and see what happens.
Muthafukajones · 46-50, M
Post a picture but probably not... men don’t usually hit on very shy girls... especially really young ones... be more open.. start conversations with men... if they continue it... they’re interested .. it’s that simple.
Eyesropen · 61-69, C
I knew my wife as a friend before we ever dated. Boys hit on her constantly, and she never picked up on that happening to you?
euipo · 26-30, F
@Eyesropen No, this NEVER happens to me.
Looking young is the problem-embrace that as you get older.Men won't ask you out because they think you are too young for them.You could do the asking.
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@FriendlyAmber first comment I read. Touching, deep, I felt your message and I hope she does too
Fernie · F
People probably just think you're underage, you should be extremely thankful
Not at all, but it may happen with patience. Guys somehow roll that way
Prometheus · 26-30, M
I didn't think that was a thing. I bet you are fairly attractive..but everyone has a type.
psikeo · 31-35, M
*hits on you shamelessly for hours* *doesn't get noticed*
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emptysoul44 · 41-45, M
How the fuck should we know? You Don't have a pic
Maybe they just think you are underage
Eyesropen · 61-69, C
Are you with the wrong people?
SoftServe · 26-30, M
A picture would help
uncalled4 · 56-60, M
You might look young, that's my guess.

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