TechniCoIorBroccoli · 46-50, F
Let just say I won't be subtle about it .
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Cajunfirefly · 41-45, F they have kids together?

Unbridled rage.
Just kidding. I'll let it bubble under the surface until it's time to let it out.
Just kidding. I'll let it bubble under the surface until it's time to let it out.

Ask a lot of questions
Starcrossed · 41-45, F
JustAsking · 46-50, F
@Starcrossed lol that's exactly what me and my bf are thinking .....both of our ex's keep messaging us....We're confused!😁
whateverhappens · 26-30, F
say nothing... ive dealt with soo much bs from that man, i just stay cause ive known him for long but its not forever just until i find the right guy too move on too
AnukBinary · M
It happens
SteelHands · 61-69, M
Save a whole bunch of money on my car insurance by switching to Geico.
SteelHands · 61-69, M
@JustAsking People just go mental sometimes. Nobody knows why.
JustAsking · 46-50, F
@SteelHands yeah you're right!!!🤣😂
SteelHands · 61-69, M
@JustAsking Yep. You just put on the feather boa and play along and hope someone doesn't choke you with it and drag you in the basement in a cardboard refrigerator box filed with stage costumes and promises to do sexual favors for you if you put one on then takes a picture of you and ...
Oh wait. Did I say too much? ?
Oh wait. Did I say too much? ?
Tellica · 22-25, F
I'd get mad.
mhuman · 36-40, M
Your partner need to decide if you love is stronger he will stay with with you only!

I do nothing, at first. If she acts in a way unbecoming of the values our relationship is based on, I leave, no questions asked nor needed.
People aren't (usually) stupid or naive enough to not know their actions have certain consequences. If she is that stupid/naive, we are definitely not meant to be together since I abhor those traits.
People aren't (usually) stupid or naive enough to not know their actions have certain consequences. If she is that stupid/naive, we are definitely not meant to be together since I abhor those traits.
Invite him to do a DP on her with me.
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