It's easier to tear someone else down and blame them for your failings than build yourself up and become a better person...
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SapphicHeart · F
Okay. Thought so. But brought here in the context of the question asked by the OP, it will become a specifically female issue, which I'd have to object towards. I don't believe the question being a general issue. There might be lots of reasons why the OP perceives this to be their reality. But, that would all be second-guessing. I'd need more information by the OP being able to make any useful reply to them.
Okay. Thought so. But brought here in the context of the question asked by the OP, it will become a specifically female issue, which I'd have to object towards. I don't believe the question being a general issue. There might be lots of reasons why the OP perceives this to be their reality. But, that would all be second-guessing. I'd need more information by the OP being able to make any useful reply to them.
Quizzical · 46-50, M
@SapphicHeart Well, more simply put... Some people are just dicks
SapphicHeart · F
They are, and it's not a gender issue.
They are, and it's not a gender issue.
Ynotjenn · F
Goralski · 56-60, M
They're naggers
Sadie14 · F
It goes both ways, pal. 😀☝🏻
Deletedlol · 22-25, F
Why do men put women down?
lakergoy · 36-40, M
@Deletedlol because they are virgin little pussies
Deletedlol · 22-25, F
@lakergoy Same reason women do it. A lot of women talk to men in a condescending manner.
sighmeupforthat · 46-50, M
Because men do that and more.
Don't lie. I'm ashamed of my own gender and their hate for women.
Don't lie. I'm ashamed of my own gender and their hate for women.
celine211 · 22-25, F
Please don't put us all in the bitch category 😂
celine211 · 22-25, F
Boy you better be black
lakergoy · 36-40, M
I believe that is called being a bitch