Statistically the odds are not in favor that people that meet online will have lasting relationships.
Dating sites want you to believe differently but if you go read actual research done by psychologists , attachments are formed very quickly , marriages happen quickly too, but the likelihood of that marrriage lasting is not good at all. You get into someones head by emailing or chatting. Unrealistic expectations are formed and it is completely different when the honeymoon phase is over . 6 months - sometimes a year of physical togetherness and it falls apart. I am not saying in all cases but in majority of cases. Very interesting . I guess my interest was spurred because i myself was a "victim" and fell in love with someone i met online. Also i know many couples that met that way and it hardly ever last longer than a few years. (If that long). The best way to have a realistic relationship is to actually physically go out with someone and spend time together . It prevents that mental attachment that is very very unhealthy.