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What are your thoughts on love? and how do you know when enough is enough?

Curious as to what people will say
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Love to me is as long as both appreciate each others +'s but also each others -'s. One you only tolerate each other the love is gone and it would be best to stop. As long as you still love the package deal of +'s and -'s the love is there.
Love just like life is a very complex topic. There's no absolute asnwer as to whether it is enough or not because the answer always depends on the situation.
Love is like a little born baby, its very delicate and very great feeling. And with the age it grows upto. So the maturity and understanding can carry the love.
Goralski · 56-60, M
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Silverfox420 · 36-40, F
Love is hormones. Nothing else. To help us reproduce
Planktin01 · 22-25, M
@Silverfox420 That's only the scientific explanation. For me, and many others, love is my reason to live.
@Silverfox420 it is an emotion which felt, not just a mode to reproduce 😂

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