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AbbeyRhode · F
Selfishness, lack of morals, and a lack of respect for themselves and their partner.
BetweenKittensandRiots · 36-40, MVIP
I'm glad I don't know the answer but what I do understand is that I was a teenager at one point and because of how things worked out ended up with two girlfriends at the same time while only one knew what was going on and when I realized I was on a path for falling in love with the one who didn't know what was up just decided to come clean because If I didn't get it out then it would have been much worse later especially if she found out on her own and having been in that state of things I think what really frustrates me is that we have this way of acting like the culprits who do cheat ultimately were dissatisfied with the women they were doing it with and Honestly it wasn't like that like if there was a weakness it was within me not them they were GREAT both OF THEM what happened was just I was good and then something came along that tempted me and I guess it upsets me to a huge extent cause Ailey that was the girl kept in the dark said it hurt her feelings but EVER SINCE I've been struggling to explain that all that really happened is one day my desires started to be to want them both at the same time and not really HAVE to pick I wanted something that went against the "Rules" and I think a lot of women in particular make this mistake of thinking well I've only ever been into one guy at a time and that's generally been my experience so it must be impossible for ANYONE to love two people are the same time and yet that isn't correct and they're just generalizing their own experiences.
Women have gotten the bad end of the deal when it comes to dating because there are a lot of highly desirable women and yet not as many highly desirable men nearly and so quite naturally they fall in love with only one at a time while it's far more frequent that men end up in love with two at once and anyways They seem to think this is just their wiring but who knows maybe one day it will happen for them it has for other women. What I do know is it isn't a zero sum game, but we keep treating it like one anyways. anyways that was years ago and I haven't spoken to either in like 2 decades but I keep seeing people like act like the woman must not of been enough for him and that's like so displaced and wrong. she's not the problem, the guy just had an issue that made his desires expand beyond the limitations of the most common "Rules." no one has a limited amount of love to give, what they have is a limited amount of TIME to give anyone.
Women have gotten the bad end of the deal when it comes to dating because there are a lot of highly desirable women and yet not as many highly desirable men nearly and so quite naturally they fall in love with only one at a time while it's far more frequent that men end up in love with two at once and anyways They seem to think this is just their wiring but who knows maybe one day it will happen for them it has for other women. What I do know is it isn't a zero sum game, but we keep treating it like one anyways. anyways that was years ago and I haven't spoken to either in like 2 decades but I keep seeing people like act like the woman must not of been enough for him and that's like so displaced and wrong. she's not the problem, the guy just had an issue that made his desires expand beyond the limitations of the most common "Rules." no one has a limited amount of love to give, what they have is a limited amount of TIME to give anyone.
TexChik · F
They are not functioning in reality, which is fairly common and the rewards they achieve from that behavior outweigh the negative results of getting caught. Likely the partner they cheat on continues to forgive them after each occurrence.
Spoiledbrat · F
They're missing something.
Nebula · 41-45, F
Cuz they trashy
People get bored with current partner I guess. Other person brings more stimulation and spark. However, most don't want to break their family and stability. So cheat secretly like ninjas. 😐
BeefySenpie · M
They're ok with losing their partner, because if they weren't they wouldn't risk it. Either that or they don't think the partner would have the courage to leave
JackJames · M
It’s a mix of greed and lust. Those two things together make stupid people more stupid.
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Diotrephes · 70-79, M
Such behavior fulfills a person's psychological needs at a particular time. People want to be seen as desirable and having more than one sexual interest at a particular time tends to validate a person's ego. Never forget: humans are just animals who do what some animals do. We are not monogamous like some birds are.
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zaatar · 22-25, F
his excuse to me was that he was horny🙃
They think people who trust them will continue to trust them and will never leave them. This believe give them confidence to cheat.
Fluffybull · F
Arrogance makes them think they're so clever they won't be caught so they won't lose their partner.
The human condition and I try not to moralize that.... which is different than saying I don't have morals
Perhaps the quotient of cheating for all varies.
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SkeetSkeet · 100+, F
They are selfish effs who never loved you in the first place
Lilnonames · F
Like on here why get mad over someone who blocked u. Who u don't know and never will
Fluffybull · F
@Lilnonames It makes you wonder how they react to being rejected in real life......🥺😱