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Living a lie [I Have Been Cheated On]

When I was a young, 20 year old girl, I dated an older man who turned out to be married to his heavily pregnant wife and they also had a toddler. Luckily, I never fell for him and did't catch feelings, so he never broke my heart. But it broke my heart in another sense...because I struggled to trust a man after this. I never actually thought men could do this, who on earth would have a heart so evil to hurt his beautiful wife and children? Staying out to the early hours of the morning with a good hearted young girl while your pregnant wife sits at home alone with her toddler and unborn child? He considered himself a man when he was nothing more than a fool.

I was too young to be aware of the toxic people in the world... too innocent and good hearted to see the evil potential people had. The words he said to me were probably lies, but he played them well. I broke things off immediately when I found out accidentally, he attempted to get back into my life multiple times but I ended up blocking him on absolutely everything possible. His wife never knew and continued her married life unaware. This is what hurt me the most, thinking your family is perfect and full of love when in fact, it's the opposite. It's nothing more than a well hidden build up of dishonesty, deception and betrayal.

Sometimes I wonder if she was suspicious? I hope she was...because I will never get married knowing men can lie so well that you can't even tell they aren't faithful to you. If I had to see him again, the only thing I would say to him is that even though cheating with younger girls is fun, he is the one who will suffer the consequences and perhaps he can get away with it with his wife, but you CANNOT lie to God. He already knows.
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Raine · F
A woman i know is married to a very hardworking good provider. They have 4 kids and she is a stay at home mum. They have a lovely home and are financially well off. He goes out with his mates both Friday and Saturday nights and often comes home about 5am or tells her he got drunk and stayed at a mates place. She says he works very hard and deserves a night out. Mutual friends have seen him with various women. We all think the wife does know, but doesn't really care. I think some people are happy as long as they play away and come home to them.
writingforlife6 · 26-30, F
@Raine Very sad to hear that. I don't think its that she doesn't care, I think she turns a blind eye to it because she knows she won't be able to cope with the truth. The emotional effort it will take, the divorce, being a single parent, the financial difficulties, the shame and embarrassment ect ect. Sometimes being blind is easier because we don't have to go through the pain, especially if its for the kids sake
Sunflower2021 · 31-35, F
When your young your naive about relationships. As long as you learn and move on with your life. You did the right thing by breaking it off. He would have had you wrapped around his fingers if you would have let it continued and no good would have come from it. I'm glad you had enough sense to block him.
writingforlife6 · 26-30, F
@Sunflower2021 I couldn't agree more. I did learn a lot from this too. There is no way I would have been able to ever see him again it make me sick to my stomach so my only choice was to break it off. The worst part about being a young (especially innocent) women, is men take advantage too often
Sunflower2021 · 31-35, F
@writingforlife6 So true. Sometimes being young you are blinded by red flags.
MarineBob · 56-60, M
Sounds like my step son
writingforlife6 · 26-30, F
@MarineBob LOL! or perhaps many people are just alike?
SammyJo · 51-55, F
Relationships in the past provide lots of baggage for us in the present...

I wrote up yesterday about me and my-then boyfriend that cheated on me...only for 4 years later, he and my eldest daughter got together.

I won't say that it was easy for me....or him. I was pretty convinced that he would cheat on her. But, he didn't. He stayed consistent...I made him jump through many hoops...and it's that that made the difference on my perspective.

However, I do wonder sometimes what my daughter did really think in those first few years they were together. Did she feel that he would dump her? Cheat on her?

Me and him have talked about how we had finished. Ne has apologised about it...and feels ashamed about it. So, I have had closure over it.

Relationships? They can be tough...

My high school band teacher-- a very charismatic man -- fooled around with some of his students even though he was married and had a young son. He apparently did this at a previous school, too.

There are men like this and it seems to be wired into their DNA.
JoePourMan · 61-69, M
A harsh lesson in what the world is like. Certainly not all but far too many.
writingforlife6 · 26-30, F
@JoePourMan Not everyone is good hearted. Not everyone has good intentions. Not everyone is the way I am and I must stop continuing life thinking like that or I will get hurt
DeluxedEdition · 26-30, F
This is why I never want to get married. They want us to be faithful to them while they cheat on us 🤷🏼‍♀️ Fuck that I’d rather die alone.
MarineBob · 56-60, M
@DeluxedEdition don't let the actions of a few dictate your future
writingforlife6 · 26-30, F
@DeluxedEdition Perhaps you'll find someone you just know will never cheat? I don't know. My parents were always faithful
Same thing happened to me when I was younger. I went to visit a friend who just so happened to have her baby and guess who I ran into at the same hospital the douchbag and his pregnant wife who also happened to have their baby. Trust guys that's difficult.
writingforlife6 · 26-30, F
Sorry this happened to you. It sucks and its devastating to know not everyone in the world is loyal @SW-User
@writingforlife6 That was so long ago..I hope his wife divorced him.
writingforlife6 · 26-30, F
@SW-User I personally believe from my experience with dishonesty is that the truth ALWAYSSSS comes out. Maybe not soon, but eventually it does. But who knows, perhaps she will never know.
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writingforlife6 · 26-30, F
@swirlie I hope this was the case. It was a short meaningless relationship so I have a feeling she was completely unaware...which hurts me to think that. It's worse when you think everything is rainbows and sunshines and its not.

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