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I Was Cheated On By My Boyfriend

My bf cheated on me last year while i was pregnant with our first child. I was in cali due to living situations and he was az. It doesnt take much to be honest. I asked many times and i felt it in my gut he was lying to me and keeping things from me. After the baby was here, 2 weeks after birth i was in az with him again...saw things on his phone that were suspicious to me. I questioned again and made him swear on me and his son..he swore on both of us that he had been faithful our whole relationship and honest... :'( smh i had to message the homewrecker myself to find out that what i felt in my heart was true...since then its been a rocky road trying to forgive and move forward. I genuinely always loved it was hard to not give him another chance ... Its been tough though. So tough :'(
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AquariusRose · 31-35, F
I love him :( i feel like lost if i left... I tried this again because what i felt atleast was true and because we have a child, a chance should be given...but yes i have thought of leaving because im tired of having flashbacks and dreams about it. I dont know if i can live like this so insecure all the time.
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Northwest · M
Do you know why you're still with him? I realize that walking away, is often a very complex decision, but if you were to create a list, what would you have on it?
AquariusRose · 31-35, F
Hmmm...a list of why im still with him? ... Okay i guess first is he brought out the best in me when no one else ever did before. I left me ex and my life in cali for him.
I think thats the best someone can do for you is bringing out something so great in you that you didnt know you still had...
Rest of the list, he is funny, he has changed a lot since the cheating really. His son loves him and he is a great father which i admire. I can be myself around him, he fights for me and defends me, he tries his best to get me things i need and want.. He gets everything our son needs... I guess the good was in the beginning and now. The middle when i was pregnant was the worse person he was to me. Then after the cheating and all the apologies, he has been the person i needed him to be from the beginning...
Quimliqer · 70-79, M
So, this is way off topic and maybe inappropriate, but there is nothng more beautiful than the women of Cali...
AquariusRose · 31-35, F
Quimliqer · 70-79, M
He may be irresponsible! Be strong and have trust in you!
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AquariusRose · 31-35, F
Thankyou very much. Me too. :(
Sorry to hear that.🌹
Peachy115 · 61-69, F
First things first ,Do not i mean Do not stop communicating with him ,once you do that it's all over .It's good to vent on here and get it off your chest ,But talk to him about how you feel .Ask him why he did what he did ? Don't stop talking .... Good Luck to ya !
I don't think she's a homewrecker..she may never have known you even existed.
If he's committed to your relationship, he should have been the one to stay faithful.
Hope it works out.
GJOFJ3 · 61-69, M
What is harder to forgive. The cheating or the lying
Sorry you have this experience
I think cheating on you when you are pregnant is nearly unforgivable
AquariusRose · 31-35, F
Yes. Being pregnant speciaply with your first child is supposed to be a happy memorable special thing... It hurts me till this day it wasn't like that. I had trouble all my life forgiving people. I want to change that and i want to be a better person for myself and my son...i dont know how to forgive. Its been months since i found out and i feel like im alone going through something like this. If i chose to stay with him, i feel like i have to not crucify him over it all the time when im upset. I keep doing it and im just lost and have so much anger and sadness inside...
GJOFJ3 · 61-69, M
@AquariusRose: that is the choice. You have to either be able to forgive and never bring it up or you have to leave and start over. Neither choice is easy and only you can decide what is best. I wish you much luck and happiness.
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BlackTeaBunny · 26-30, F
Do you want to be him for the baby?
TheProphet · M
He will do it again.
Kyle1791 · 31-35, M
wut a piece of shit
Kyle1791 · 31-35, M
if you want a real man message me, ill treat you right

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