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Difference of opinion

I can be very stubborn. It hurts me to be at odds with my mom over helping another woman because she thinks this woman is here to take advantage of my world. Argggggggggggghhhhhh I know when to cut the cord mom! If I have to. I’m doing this because I want to!!!!!!
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Roadsterrider · 56-60, M
Everybody wants to take advantage of someone else's world. I only worry about whether or not they are malicious or they just want to be a part of my world. As an adult, I don't let people control me, I own my decisions and am not afraid to say I have made a few that were poor. I ask myself when I know I am being stubborn, "Am I being stubborn just to prove I won't be bossed around or is it because I feel this is the right thing to do and good for me?" Being stubborn just to be stubborn doesn't do me any good.
Wol62 · 51-55, M
I wish I knew what to say here...I just hope that between the two of you, you can sort this situation out.
@Mindful True, but maybe next time don't tell her what you're doing so she can't harp on it. If she doesn't know your business, she can't get into it. I'm sorry you have to contend with this. My mom was really difficult. To save my health I had to step away for a while.
Mindful · 56-60, F
@LadyGrace great advice. May I send you a PM?
@Mindful Absolutely.
GeniUs · 56-60, M
but and this is just a thought, what if your mom turns out to be right?
smiler2012 · 61-69
{@mindful] it is good too see you have moral conscience that you are prepared to go that extra mile to help somebody who needs it. your mother should be ashamed of herself for think this way and being so cynical of others needs
I have never understood why parents have to be so controlling, even when we're grown adults in our 50's, my own mother is the same way, I keep her as far distant as I can.
@NativePortlander1970 My Mum just got worse as time went by. She couldn't come over to visit my house without getting on a soapbox and preaching something at me. She never actually told me how to live or criticized my house, but she sure was into telling me how to think and what to believe.
Mindful · 56-60, F
@NativePortlander1970 I’m calling her mother bear right now. … trying to be protective of me. It helps me calm down. But she’s making my situation unpleasant. I guessthis is my no good deed goes unpunished” I have to accept my moms words. This is a small burden to carry. Lol.

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