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You know that narcissist boyfriend or girlfriend you've been crying over?

I bet you thought they left you because they didn't love you anymore. However, what you don't know, is that they never loved you in the first place. You were only tricked into believing that. You must understand that Love, to a narcissist, only means one thing, and that is control.

Another thing that can happen sometimes when we lose the person we love, is that we're not really mourning the person, as much as we're mourning what we thought we had. Think about that. What person in their right mind, had they known, would want to stay with an abusive person? So sometimes our feelings get confused and that's just another tactic that the narcissist uses for control... to convince you that they loved you. Remember.... In the narcissists mind, love = nothing but control.

Narcissists don't understand love, the way you do. There's no such thing, in their book. Forget that. The sooner you realize that, the better off you'll be. So why did the narcissist leave you?

The main reason they left, was because they finally realized their game was up. You were now onto them, their schemes, and constant controlling ways. They finally realized they couldn't push your buttons anymore, because you finally wised up and stood up for yourself and refused to be controlled, and thank God for that because not many get away from narcissists. A narcissist will wear you down emotionally and ruin your health. You couldn't change them if you wanted to and why would you, if you have any self-respect about yourself? Who would want to be with a mentally ill narcissist?

Never allow abuse in your life. It is a deadly game you're playing if you do, but the narcissist is not playing a game. They will snuff the life right out of you, emotionally. They don't care who it is they victimize, nor whom they hurt. Never be fooled. They know exactly what they're doing. They don't care! They just want that "fix". And if they can't get it from you, they will go to someone else. In fact, that's the first thing they think of in the morning....finding that fix. It is a vicious cycle for them, but don't feel sorry for them. They do this intentionally and they never care who they hurt.

As long as they can control "someone", that's where they get their "high", and if they can't, they will immediately turn to manipulate and victimize someone else, but that's not the end for you. They will still continue to try and manipulate you, to the very end. There's no end to the measures they will go to, to keep you and use you. Not for love, but for the sole purpose of having someone to control. They constantly need that fix!

The "fix" is the only reason a bully narcissist stays with you and if they leave you, it's because you withdrew and took back your power, as you should!! And so they left to find a new person they could control.... a more willing victim.

You're just fortunate they left you, because narcissists do not get well. Even the famous Dr. Phil said that he and his colleagues talk about this all time and he said, "DO NOT expect a narcissist to change or get better!!" You are in for a very rude awakening and even putting yourself in a very dangerous situation where you could even be killed, if you think you can change a narcissist. Don't even entertain that idea. And the worst thing you could do, is argue with a narcissist or tell them they are a narcissist. Never do that.

Further, never, but never, tell a narcissist your plans. Show them no emotions. Just get away and stay away as fast as you can but make good plans before you take off. Don't do this in the spur of a moment or you will not succeed. You will then have a stalker on your hands and maybe even a murderer. So don't be afraid; be wise and make the best plans to ensure your success. A successful person, is one who makes plans, instead of panicking.

The only thing to do, is get yourself or your children or whoever is involved, completely away from this person, lose total contact with them, protect yourself and your loved ones, get away from them, and stay away from them, forever!!!

You can never, and I mean never, put your faith or trust in a narcissist. They are sick liars. You cannot trust one word from their mouth. Don't even attempt it.

If you're with a narcissist, it's imperative that you get the help you need to get away from this person, right away. Someone who can help you plan your getaway. That is crucial. Otherwise, this person will destroy you. You're not strong enough to fight the narcissist. Don't kid yourself. How do I know? My daughter's diagnosis is called malignant narcissism. For those who are unfamiliar, there are different stages of narcissism and malignant narcissism is deemed the worst. She has completely abandoned me and threatened me, then laughs about how she is going to do all kinds of things to hurt me, has slandered my name, and says she hopes I die a terrible death.

There's a special technique I taught myself, derived from long meticulous study on narcissism. I knew I had to, if I wanted to survive. It must be faithfully practiced, if one is to recover their health from this devastating ordeal. I helped another lady survive her experience through this technique, which I was using at that time for myself, as well. Trouble is, it's so simple, some will completely ignore it, to their own detriment...thinking it couldn't possibly work, so they never recover, but I'm here to prove it works! You have to do your homework. It does take time and patience with ones own self. God helped guide me to the right resources, then I applied all those to God's truths, for success.

Sadly, some women never recover from a narcissistic experience. They allowed the programming and abuse to go on, far too long, and stayed too long. They have been emotionally crippled to the point they can't, and won't ever, see their way past it.

Keep in mind that the narcissist must be avoided at all cost. And while this person is mentally ill, they are still human beings, and in need of much prayer. That is very important. Jesus is really the only person that can set them free from their chains of bondage. I pray for them everyday and for their salvation. Jesus can set the captive free. Never forget that.
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Coralmist · 41-45, F
Yes. All so sadly true. My mom is a malignant narcissist so they take pleasure in another feeling fear or sadness etc. My life was a nightmare because of her. Criticizing EVERY single thing you do, say, think or feel. It was crippling. I have PTSD as an adult because of her horrible psychological abuse. I read recently in a book on Narcissists, the author said, you can't even expect to TALK to them really. If you say something good, they criticize it. If you say something sad, they criticize it. It really made a bell go off reading that. Because you always hope one day MAYBE they won't lash out, threaten, or belittle you. But unfortunately, that will never happen. They do not ever EVER change. 😢
Elisbch · M

Thank you 🙂
Coralmist · 41-45, F
@Elisbch No problem
LadyGrace · 70-79
@Coralmist Yes, that is a given. Low self-esteem, low self-confidence and self-worth all come with it.
eyeno · M
Totally true, took me years and I've learned the hard way.
Still believe in Love but have eyes wide open going into any relationship.

LadyGrace · 70-79
@eyeno Absolutely. Good for you! I'm sorry you went through that. 🫂❤
eyeno · M
LadyGrace · 70-79

Thank you.
DanielsASJ · 36-40, M
A very helpful post for everyone whether they are dealing with some narcissistic person in their family or even at their job. I have seen narcissist people very close to me and I agree with you completely. Avoidance is the best trick one could get to,in the long run.
LadyGrace · 70-79
@DanielsASJ My daughter's diagnosis is called malignant narcissism. For those who are unfamiliar, there are different stages of narcissism and malignant narcissism is deemed the worst. She has completely abandoned me and threatened me, then laughs about how she is going to do all kinds of things to hurt me, has slandered my name, and says she hopes I die a terrible death.

There's a special technique I taught myself, derived from long meticulous study on narcissism. I knew I had to, if I wanted to survive. It must be faithfully practiced, if one is to recover their health from this devastating ordeal. I helped another lady survive her experience through this technique, which I was using at that time for myself, as well. Trouble is, it's so simple, some will completely ignore it, to their own detriment...thinking it couldn't possibly work, so they never recover, but I'm here to prove it works! You have to do your homework. It does take time and patience with ones own self. God helped guide me to the right resources, then I applied all those to God's truths, for success.
Elisbch · M
I never cry over them anymore. They aren't worth a tear. What a waste of time..LOL 🤣.. Ditch them and move on.
LemonWorld · F
Dont make me cry againnnnn
LadyGrace · 70-79

You don't have to cry anymore. Just get away. Make sure you get away no matter what it takes. Totally cut these people from your life. If you're going to get well, it will take your doing so. Helping yourself. And see counseling most of all. And pray about it. But whatever you do, you must get away. Life is too short to be miserable or to be tied to someone that is mentally ill. We can't help ourselves if we won't acknowledge that we don't deserve the abuse. Love yourself enough to get away for good and that means in a healthy way. There's organizations out there that can help you.

There's no excuse in this world that is good enough to keep you in the clutches of abuse.
Are you reflecting on personal experiences with a narcissist, or are you just exploring the topic?
LadyGrace · 70-79
@FrogManSometimesLooksBothWays I had PTSD from a narcissist, and one in the family just recently abandoned me. My own daughter. It just breaks your heart when you are just dropped as if you are nothing and abandoned, but there is a way out.

They are very dangerous people, conniving, with no conscience at all. Years ago I dealt with a narcissist and developed PTSD. I had to find my own way out of that nightmare and so I studied them and know them inside out, and reclaimed my health. They can just destroy you to pieces if you let them. And never feel guilty over what a narcissist does to you if you've ever encountered one. Their game is to make you feel as guilty as they can and my narcissist told me they hope I die. These are people that blow situations out of proportion, they will smear you to everyone and claim you're the worst person in the world, but you can't let that affect you. That's just the way these people are. They have no conscience. This person threatens me and I believe this person could even kill me if they had the chance and thought they could get by with it. I have many witnesses to prove that what I have been accused of is not my fault, but I don't need those witnesses because I know who I am and what I am. I know I'm a good person and that's really really important to know, who you are. Otherwise this person could really damage you for life. You have to see them for who they are and realize and keep in mind that these people are just mentally ill. They have things in their mind that they have dreamed up and actually believe.
LadyGrace · 70-79
@FrogManSometimesLooksBothWays My daughter is a malignant narcissist and she has completely abandoned me and threatened me, then laughs about how she is going to do all kinds of things to hurt me, has slandered my name, and says she hopes I die a terrible death.

When I said I was exploring the topic, I didn't mean this was a new subject for me. Not by far. I am very well educated on this subject, as years ago, I had to study this subject inside and out, in order to help myself heal from PTSD and still study all aspects of it so I can be of more help to people. Since my daughter recently abandoned me, I have revisited what I learned and thought I would try to help others here that I've noticed are suffering from the same, get through it. I could write a book on this subject and find that special videos on narcissism are very comforting as I navigate through this myself. It can be a very devastating experience, if you don't know how to help yourself. I sincerely hope I can help others here. There's a special technique that must be faithfully practiced, if one is to recover their health. One which seems so simple, some just ignore it, thinking it couldn't possibly work, but I'm here to prove it does. It does take time and patience with ones own self.

Sadly, some women never recover from a narcissistic experience. They allowed the programming and abuse, far too long, and stayed too long. They have been emotionally crippled to the point they can't see their way past it.

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