bro... I feel ya.
the worst kind of ghosting I've ever experienced is right here on SW.
just when I thought I had already built something monumental, colossal, and even supernatural... I get sucker punched
it does hurt. you will get over it. and you will probably ticker on opening yourself to others just the same.
the fault rests with the ghosts/ghosters, don't let it affect and change who you are. you be you.
you know, sometimes I feel like naming and shaming the ghosters on here. Some of them are popular household SW names too.
but it's just not worth it man.
If on the off chance any of you reading this are remotely or possibly guilty of ghosting another, please be so kind as to go through your inbox and look at those long lost souls that you may have personally interacted with - then greet them like a decent human being and apologize for being so scarce... but check up on them all the same. You may have broken someone with your selfishness and it's on you to help their healing.