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Dealing with getting ghosted

Got ghosted for the second time by the same person. So I guess it's true, you can't trust a ghoster. I didn't do anything to warrant this treatment after opening myself to her. She knows everything about me and my family. I feel so ashamed to have trusted. But I'm not going to text anymore, only to get ignored.
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MrMortal · 41-45, M
bro... I feel ya.
the worst kind of ghosting I've ever experienced is right here on SW.
just when I thought I had already built something monumental, colossal, and even supernatural... I get sucker punched
it does hurt. you will get over it. and you will probably ticker on opening yourself to others just the same.
the fault rests with the ghosts/ghosters, don't let it affect and change who you are. you be you.

you know, sometimes I feel like naming and shaming the ghosters on here. Some of them are popular household SW names too.
but it's just not worth it man.
If on the off chance any of you reading this are remotely or possibly guilty of ghosting another, please be so kind as to go through your inbox and look at those long lost souls that you may have personally interacted with - then greet them like a decent human being and apologize for being so scarce... but check up on them all the same. You may have broken someone with your selfishness and it's on you to help their healing.
TurnAyWay · 31-35, MNew
@MrMortal I'm sorry you got ghosted too. Luckily I never ghosted anyone, but I'd surely apologize because I know the hurt. You're right, naming them wouldn't bring anything good, I couldn't do that. As much as it hurts, some part of me still cares about her, but I don't want her back. Just want to know it wasn't me responsible for the ending.
IamBack · 31-35, M
It hurts bro but what can we do? It’s the quality of people nowadays 🤷🏻‍♂

Stay strong and learn from this one I guess, but there’s no shame in opening up to someone who turned out not to be trustworthy
Nothing to be ashamed of, hope you’ll consider it a lesson learned and be wiser moving forward. And please don’t give this person a third time to ghost!
@TurnAyWay Sounds like this person needs to be in your rearview mirror- permanently.
TurnAyWay · 31-35, MNew
@OlderSometimesWiser it would be best for both of us I guess. I could make peace with it if I knew it wasn't my fault...I don't know how people can promise not to ghost only to do it twice.
@TurnAyWay I urge you to let it go. Sometimes you’re just not going to get answers so don’t waste valuable time wishing for them.
Punches · 46-50, F
If she knows everything, I guess you can take comfort knowing that things did not end on "bad" terms.
TurnAyWay · 31-35, MNew
@Punches That's just the thing, I don't know why she'd do this. It makes me think we ended on unspoken bad terms at least on her part, she doesn't reply...
Punches · 46-50, F
@TurnAyWay If this is an online only friend, sometimes people just vanish, it is annoying.

People are pretty transient on the web. I think online "Friendships" tend to run their course a lot quicker than real life friendships.

It is annoying when someone ghosts but it is probably not personal.
TurnAyWay · 31-35, MNew
@Punches she was an online, although not on here. We did have an agreement to let each other know if things have run their course and not to ghost, leaving another wondering and spiral with anxiety. It wouldn't be bad if it was a superficial friendship, but we knew each other for 3 years almost, mutualy confessing expressions of love, as sappy as it sounds. But you're right, people vanish.
JailyneMaria17 · 22-25, F
sending you love 🤗❤
darkmere1983 · 46-50, M
walk away and never contact her again.
Ghosting a ghoster eh?
TurnAyWay · 31-35, MNew
@SStarfish No. A ghoster ghosted me. Twice.
@TurnAyWay and now you are ghosting them
TurnAyWay · 31-35, MNew
@SStarfish How? I have sent texts to her which went unreplied. If you think I'm your person, I'm not, sorry. That happens a lot in online interactions.
HumanEarth · F
Change your phone number and never call them again. Their trouble
Sweetpoison · 41-45, F
She should be ashamed not you.
Cowards ghost .Brave ppl have the courage to confront.

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