Weird, creepy men acting like dipshits whenever a woman posts about her happy relationship with a man
I really hope this isn't something that happens everywhere on the internet. I personally have never observed anything like that happening until I started posting about my relationship with my boyfriend on here. Guys leaving passive-aggressive comments on posts I make about him and even outright telling me to stop making those posts, lolwut. The most recent one told me something seemed "off" about a post I made about my man. I had no idea what he could've been referring to and didn't really care, so I just ignored it and he blocked me not long after. Lmao! It's always typical insecure creeps too. No idea what it's about, if they just hate seeing a woman in a happy relationship with a man or what, but again, I just hope it's not a regular thing that happens on the interwebs. It's pretty sad if there's a collective mindset of omega males that's like that. 😂