exexec · 70-79, C
With my wife
3Dogmatic · 46-50, M
Yes, yes I did!
Sevendays · M
Yep, just a lucky weekend.
hunkalove · 61-69, M
I couldn't sit down for a week!
Snuffy1957 · 61-69, M
No partner :(
Midlifemale · 61-69, M
Why can't you say boyfriend, girlfriend, wife or husband instead of PARTNER ????
Or is that the new woke term ?
Or is that the new woke term ?
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Midlifemale · 61-69, M
@Snuffy1957 yes...more used eith the LGBTQ community....where did these people come from anyway
Snuffy1957 · 61-69, M
@Midlifemale wayyyy out in left field
Midlifemale · 61-69, M
@Snuffy1957 lol...agree....
Men need to be MEN and women need to be WOMEN for god sake
Men need to be MEN and women need to be WOMEN for god sake
YoMomma ·
Nah that's probably why he is always grouchy 😅
YoMomma ·
@pdqsailor1 sometimes things are more complicated tho 🙁
pdqsailor1 · 61-69, M
@YoMomma That's why there is an "insurance policy" in the closet..
YoMomma ·
@pdqsailor1 i think they charged too much for it but that's just my personal opinion.. you could probably make one for less ;) lol
DonaldTrumpet · 70-79, M
PaRTNERz anDz NoN parTnErZ