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I wish I could make her Christmas special

We've been together for nearly 6 months now (I can't remember how many weeks we weren't together) and I really want to make her Christmas special somehow. I thought about getting her something, but she said she didn't want anything. Maybe I'll record her a little message telling her I love her. Maybe I'll call her a snack - she taught me what that means, but to me she's not just a snack but a whole meal.
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Sometimes, just letting her know that you thought about her enough to send a message or a picture as you go about your day can mean a lot... especially during busy times like holidays and Christmas.
KiwiDan · 31-35, M
@HootyTheNightOwl you're right. I'll just make her a nice message
OMF YOU HAVE A GF!!!! Im so so so so so so so happy for you dan! I told you for 8 years itd happen and you didnt believe me
KiwiDan · 31-35, M
@TryingtoLava it's hard to believe when you're super depressed. But you were right. Thanks Lava 🤗
@KiwiDan i always said id never give up on you :) i kept my word
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
Danger Will Robinson!! If a woman says she doesnt want anything, you had better go overboard getting her something.. Flowers, Jewellry and Chocolate are good standbys if you have no imagination. In that case get all three..😷

Nice chocolates, coffees, fancy bath salts, or other indulgences she loves? A spa day? Mani/pedi treatments?

Think, man! Think! ;-)
KiwiDan · 31-35, M
@BrandNewMan she's not super into any of that as far as I know
Fertilization · 36-40, F
Get her a romantic scent.
DonaldTrumpet · 70-79, M
It’Z a SliPpERY slopeZ thinKinGz u CanZ makeZ a wimenZ HappYz

BUY her De selFz helpZ bookZ calleDz
“GrowZ a PaiRz of Ballaz”

ButtZ be SuREz to senDz In maiLZ andZ notZ ActuaLLYz in PersoN for UR ownZ personalZ safETYz
she wants something u goon
KiwiDan · 31-35, M
@deathfairy I figured that but she was pretty adamant. Plus I have no idea what to get her as she likes getting practical things

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