Imsleepy · 31-35
I think it is somewhat true. Love is a powerful emotion and can easily influence various aspects of your life.
Northwest · M
In a loving relationship, no one is in control/
If one of the partners acts "less interested" to gain control, this means the other partner has a family of origin that makes them want to go the extra mile to please, for fear of abandonment. If the former party is aware of it and taking advantage of it, shame on them, and if they are doing they're not in love. No two people in love will do that to each other.
If one of the partners acts "less interested" to gain control, this means the other partner has a family of origin that makes them want to go the extra mile to please, for fear of abandonment. If the former party is aware of it and taking advantage of it, shame on them, and if they are doing they're not in love. No two people in love will do that to each other.
TheMasterMan1 · 26-30, M
This sums up my ex just about right. She would sometimes go days without talking to me by the end of it all. Meanwhile in the beginning she always found the time for me.
JSul3 · 70-79
A wise person once said: "When they say they love you, what they really mean is they desire you."
Once a person cheats they are in total control of the other partner if they leave themselves vulnerable. Been there.
Justafantasy · M
The one trying to make it more is less in control unless they're both always trying to make it more
CestManan · 46-50, F
Typically, unless both partners are indifferent about the relationship.
BiasForAction · M
It makes me sad because I think it’s true and that seems unfair
valobasa4ever · F
Very True .
Love is trouble.
Love is trouble.
True for a single one
Sounds right