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Do you find sex easy to talk about or very difficult? Does it make you excited or make you cringe/withdraw in fear?

Poll - Total Votes: 9
Never talk about it with anyone even friends
Have nobody to talk about it with
Not in a relationship or dating so sex is off the table
I can talk about it with only close friends
I can talk about it only with my sexual partner(s)
I can talk about it only with people at my work
I can talk about it only with my siblings
Trying to talk about it makes me cringe
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For me I find it extremely difficult to talk about and it makes my cringe and want to crawl into a box and shut the lid.

Can you easily and openly talk about sex or feel repulsion and squirminess that feels extremely uncomfortable?
Samek · 36-40, M
It's just another aspect of the human experience. As an author, I have found it easier with time to discuss. Took years of deprogramming of my upbringing. Big thing is consent. Will only discuss with those who want to.
zonavar68 · 51-55, M
@Samek I've never found it easy to talk about even when in relationships. Kind of embarassing as a mature adult that I can't talk about sex even when involved with someone. Sorta ruins things.
Magenta · F
With the masses or strangers, defo not.
With my lover, yes! << That can make me exicited.

I think sometimes there is too much talk about it in society. It can create a type of desensitization and takes away from the flow of it. It isn't mysterious. It's natural.
zonavar68 · 51-55, M
@Magenta Ok it doesn't feel natural to me specifically but yeah I guess you're correct. In my last relationship there was basically never any sex talk because sex with her was all about her and never about me (as I discovered when the agenda was revealed) but it was nice while it lasted. I didn't get to give her oral, and she never did that for me, at all in the 5 yrs we were together. Just for one example, and I got the feeling sex was just a mechanical thing not a romantic/intimate thing. But I'd already been feeling there was a large 'limbo' like missing link in me so it wasn't a big deal (at the time). Anyway I'm happy being single since I don't feel I can understand women sexually and I know none understand me being 'wired' in a strange configuration. Sex talk is in that 'black box' I can't tap into I think.
Magenta · F
@zonavar68 Hmm, perhaps you've just not found or been with a woman you are sexually compatible with. The right woman could help you tap into it. Someone less inhibited, receptive and cares about your pleasure as well.

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