JohnnyNoir · 56-60, M
No. They're an ex for a reason
HumanEarth · F
What I was going say, might get the law called on me. People today wouldn't see it as a joke.
What I need is a 1950s/1980s audience. Then it would fly
What I need is a 1950s/1980s audience. Then it would fly
@HumanEarth say WHAT??
Thirstymiami · 46-50, M
@HumanEarth i definitely want to hear this
HumanEarth · F
I don't remember what I was going to say now. That was 7 days ago
Adogslife · 61-69, M
I’m not a quitter. If it didn’t work, it wasn’t meant to. My ex-wife is actually blocked on my phone and email. I’ve never blocked another person though.
4meAndyou · F
It was about a year. I got divorced and moved out to Michigan and bought a house out there. But I began to develop amnesia. I couldn't remember all the really BAD things about our marriage, and I could ONLY remember the good I wrote him an email, and he came to fetch me. We moved ALL my stuff into the moving van, and while we were on the road on the way back to Massachusetts, he turned into Mr. Hyde. He had always been a Jekyl and Hyde sort of personality...but I chose to forget that.
When we got back to our house in Massachusetts, the nightmare began in earnest. It seems while I had been in Michigan, dreaming of restoring my marriage, HE had been dreaming of revenge.
'Nuff said. Getting back together with and ex is a BIG mistake.
When we got back to our house in Massachusetts, the nightmare began in earnest. It seems while I had been in Michigan, dreaming of restoring my marriage, HE had been dreaming of revenge.
'Nuff said. Getting back together with and ex is a BIG mistake.
I never had any relationship. But I think when you learn with maturity, experiences, and may sometimes realize the importance of relationship you had. Many times we identify the value of a person or thing after we loses it. If bot of you are willing to join back, I think it's even better.
"When nails grow long, we cut nails not fingers. Similarly when misunderstanding grow up, cut your ego, not your relationship."
"When nails grow long, we cut nails not fingers. Similarly when misunderstanding grow up, cut your ego, not your relationship."
Gingerbreadspice · F
I know people that have. Sometimes it doesn’t work out because they were too young. You might have to be apart from someone to see how much they mean to you or wait until their current relationship is over before getting back together. 2 years is not really a long time and it might be a few more years or many years before the chance arises again.
I don't look back... They are my ex for a reason
CultOfPersonality · 36-40, M
Honestly couldn’t think of anything worse! Ex for a reason!! Although I guess it would depend on the reason why you broke up!!
MidnightWhisper86 · 36-40, M
No not worth it, I did it once as JohnnyNoir said they are your ex for a reason.
I thought about it for 30 seconds, then realized I didnt want to go to jail for Life.😂😝
LoveandLife · F
Yes.And broke up again.
caccoon · 36-40
Once, after about a year.
It was just a repeat and I got hurt worse the second time around
It was just a repeat and I got hurt worse the second time around
Court69 · M
Yep and oopsie we mad a daughter lol
Justafantasy · M
After months. It was the exact same shit over again so I would not recommend it
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
No, why would I do that to myself? There is a reason they are an ex.