subhubby · 56-60, M
My Goddess took the putting the laundry in and turning the dryer step away from me about 6 mos ago. I felt terrible as I enjoyed doing housework for her. She said, I had damaged some of her delicates, and shrunk a few things slightly (which I was already being super careful not to do). Still, she left me with the folding and putting away in drawers both hers and mine which I do weekly.
WizardofOz · 26-30, M
@subhubby It's funny, because she actually felt bad telling me.
Bleak · 36-40, F
My husband does help me in my household chores.
Degbeme · 70-79, M
I do all the laundry in this house.
YMITheWayIM · 46-50, M
Back in the days, she'd let me do the laundry, I was professional after all.
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WizardofOz · 26-30, M
@OlderSometimesWiser You women think alike! She actually asked if I was doing on purpose.
@WizardofOz Lol….. its not an unheard of nor uncommon strategy.
lonelyloner · 31-35, F
in my teen when I was living with my Paman , I use to washed every cloths of him and Opa including myself , each and every cloths , he did the same time to time but never complain of any for each other , in time of my period days I stopped him to wash my panties but so many time he didn't listen my words
BigImo · 26-30, F
I forget some people don't just throw their clothes away when they get dirty
HumanEarth · F
Well Wizard, if you only become a cross dresser. You would know these things. Now step up and be a man. Go get yourself some panties, a couple of bras, spanks, slips and some other stuff.
Now walk a mile in their shoes. Do the laundry? Some you got to hand wash, some is dryclean only.
See how expensive it is too wreak. Learn boy, learn
If your going to wash womens clothing, at least learn how to wash it properly.
Like bra straps and spaghetti straps. Love to wrap around the agitator. Lingerie bags are great for stop this from happening
Now walk a mile in their shoes. Do the laundry? Some you got to hand wash, some is dryclean only.
See how expensive it is too wreak. Learn boy, learn
If your going to wash womens clothing, at least learn how to wash it properly.
Like bra straps and spaghetti straps. Love to wrap around the agitator. Lingerie bags are great for stop this from happening
HumanEarth · F
I know, I get stuck with all the tractor work and car repairs. I told the wife, we can switch. She goes nope
HumanEarth · F
I can do everything she does. I know how to the Canning of food, I can cook, I can do laundry, do gardening and I have bonus Brown Points. I can sew, Knit (Okay not good, but technically I can) and I can crochet (this I'm good at).
HumanEarth · F
But she won't work on cars, will drive tractors and do field work if she has to, but really don't want to
She tries to fix stuff around the house. Only for me to redo it when she is not looking. (I don't want her to stop trying to help me. So I fix it the right way later)
She tries to fix stuff around the house. Only for me to redo it when she is not looking. (I don't want her to stop trying to help me. So I fix it the right way later)
AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
Sounds like your plan went off perfectly . Now forget to add detergent to the dishwasher for a few weeks .
My husband is not allowed near my laundry
XDHyperGirlXD1 · 31-35, F
He doesn't know how to do washing lol
Selah ·
Why can't you do a 5min Google search and learn how to do laundry and redeem yourself as a competent adult.
WizardofOz · 26-30, M
@Selah That hurt! I don't know if I can recover from your viciousness and cruelty.
WizardofOz · 26-30, M
@WizardofOz I'm over it.
Katie01 · F
Hell no, I'm in charge of all the housework as a stay at home housegirlfriend