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There’s a girl. Who always seems to be in some sort of toxic relationship. At first I used to feel bad for her. But now?

It’s starting to piss me off how she doesn’t learn how to just pick better. You have so much experience, how are you still not great at sniffing a loser from a mile away? And the way she still sticks with these people after being disrespected makes me mad for her, and especially mad at her lol.

Please don’t come crying to me anymore, you don’t listen to my advice ever.

Or maybe you’re secretly the problem?

And the nerve to ask me for a threesome with someone you were just complaining about? Why would I want to sleep with a man that treats you like shit, and a woman that just takes it? I think she’s unstable. It’s all starting to make sense.
I hear ya on that.. i think its a disorder from childhood trauma. Has to be.
deadgerbil · 22-25
Nah she's the problem. Wanting you to get into a threesome with them is crazy

Some of these people pick such horrible partners that their own issues are overshadowed and aren't worked on
@deadgerbil damn are you a psychology major?
deadgerbil · 22-25
@Pressure i have a Master's in it 😎(I took one AP psych course)
@deadgerbil this is why you’re so insightful
I certainly understand your frustration. Unfortunately she probably doesn’t feel she deserves any better. People with a healthy sense of self esteem would never tolerate being treated so poorly.
@OlderSometimesWiser I didn’t have a healthy self esteem. But someone treating me bad and disrespecting me every chance they get, turns me all the way off.
@Pressure Unhealthy self esteem affects different people in different ways. You just never know what went on in a person’s past for them to accept poor treatment in relationships. Issues they need to work through if they ever hope to have healthy ones.
My guess is she has rejected you in the past, and now you're projecting.

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