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Have you guys ever experienced that kind of power of the😺?

Pretzel · 61-69, M
oh yeah
the force was strong in that kitty
robertsnj · 56-60, M
i said it before and vice versa

I have another thread on here where I talk about saying "I love you to each other during intimacy with a girlfriend .

so don't have to look but if you want that story it is here: (post is near or at top) and x rated thread (so I don't suprise anyone)
Julien · 36-40, M
Best feeling in the world
Mattypp · 56-60, M
Why would it be accidently
Girlbehindthecurtain · 31-35, F
@Mattypp sometimes people say things duting sex that they do not mean it.the satisfaction makes them say it
robertsnj · 56-60, M
@Mattypp sometimes "I love you" comes out because it is such an affectionate interaction. I have had that happen and vice versa before
Mattypp · 56-60, M
@Girlbehindthecurtain if i say it i mean it
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