PoetryNEmotion · F
What hobbies or interests are you into? Join groups or activities of them. Try Meetup.com. i used to hike with them. Nice people locally. Choose something. I chose an outdoor doccer club. Did that for 2 years. So much fun. Made friends of all ages. You are trsnsitioning to a man. An older one. Not a teen. Check local events. I find FB forums list locsl events. Go to them. You have to explore. It gets easier. It can.be awkward and scary at first. Just remember that nearly everyone else feels the same way. I joined an online forum called Face Your Fear Challenge on FB. Janis is the creator. She is great. Try thst one. She has others too. A down to earth person who will inspire you. Good luck.
ArminArlert · 26-30, M
@PoetryNEmotion Thank you! That was helpful and gave me a push in the correct direction. 🙈 I do enjoy some sports, so I'll look at Meetup.
PoetryNEmotion · F
@ArminArlert Awesome! I bet people in your locale would be into being your friends. Updaye us later!
ArtieKat · M
Look for MeetUp in your area - there's all sorts of groups with people of all sorts of interests
@ArtieKat Community centers exist in nearly every single municipality within the US and Canada, he should be able to find something at his local.
ArminArlert · 26-30, M
@NativePortlander1970 That sounds great, but I'm in Europe. I do think I see some meet ups online, but they are usually in the bigger city.
ArtieKat · M
@NativePortlander1970 @ArminArlert
I'm not sure what your community centres are like in the US/Canada but ours in the UK tend to be full of older people whereas lots of Meetup groups cater for young professionals.
I'm not sure what your community centres are like in the US/Canada but ours in the UK tend to be full of older people whereas lots of Meetup groups cater for young professionals.
Dshhh · M
Get Offline
Go to Real World
Do stuff you like and meet others doing the same
Go to Real World
Do stuff you like and meet others doing the same

Yes, it’s a dilemma we all face on leaving Uni. Keep your interests going.
ArminArlert · 26-30, M
@SW-User It's tough. I can't really hang out at night anymore, so a lot of university friends just stopped contacting me. Lol I should try to connect with other artists in my area or something.

Im 20-something. Self employed and employed. Whats up?
ArminArlert · 26-30, M
@SW-User Oh, awesome. Lol It's really not easy at our ages.

@ArminArlert it is not. I find myself making a ton of friends with older men and women.
DunningKruger · 61-69, M
Join a club. Go to church if you can stomach it. Look on Meetups for local groups that might interest you.
Queendragonfly · 31-35, F
Ask out collueges for a drink or bowling or badminton or movie night or something +
Nitedoc · 51-55, M
At the country club. Seriously.