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Why relationships collapse?

Why do people enter into relationships in the first place?

It's all about self-satisfaction. This includes physical, emotional, or social fulfillment, the lack of which appears to leave a gap in our lives. A sense of emptiness that we try to fill with various acts, including relationships.

We need to get this straight. We are individuals first and then partners. Everyone has a good, bad, and ugly side, and our aspirations are different.

You should be fine as long as you each contribute to the satisfaction, need, and ambitions of the other. Otherwise, it's a house of cards, and it's just a matter of time before it collapses.
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Renkon · 41-45, M
@Loretta78 When we say self-satisfaction, we don't necessarily mean selfishness. That sense of fulfillment, contentment, or satisfaction we feel in a situation suggests a healthy atmosphere. People are continuously looking for such a space in their daily lives, which includes relationships. This applies to both partners. Otherwise, it is an indicator of one person's greed and sinister design.
Bleak · 36-40, F
If one fails to accept the flaws of the other partner and never accepts that one can be wrong too, then I guess no need of staying together. Respect is a key factor.
Renkon · 41-45, M
@Bleak Respect is the most undervalued quality in relationship. It's not easy to be in love all the time. However, one can be respectful throughout one's life. Respect is the oar that will keep your relation-Ship sailing.
Bleak · 36-40, F
@Renkon I couldn’t put it better myself. I have witnessed many couples always babbling about how madly and deeply they are in love, but their relationship sounds so bogus to me when they disrespect each other whether publicly or privately.
If you love yourself..it's not going to matter ..
Filling a void isn't love ...love yourself first like yourself first
Renkon · 41-45, M
@SW-User That rings true.
There is no loneliness if you can find happiness in your own company. Others will find delight in your company if you are joyful within yourself.
@Renkon exactly
nursedawn87 · 36-40, F
Relationships collapses because of the bad motive.
There is someone who doesn’t want me to be with a family that truly cares about me, he would rather see me with anyone who knows my cousin and use me and take advantage of me but not to be with someone who would love me and make me happy and grow with me.
In the end they act like as if I have someone’s number when I have my own self to love.
Renkon · 41-45, M
@nursedawn87I'm wonder, why do you need permission to be with the people who care about you? Is it a committed relationship? Sorry if I am being too intrusive.
nursedawn87 · 36-40, F
@Renkon after finding out that the world is beginning to be chaotic and evil to me, I decided to believe in my worth more, now my father can give me the chances to talk to any guy online and give him my WhatsApp number but it is me who is making the choices of my life now, look at the twist, my father is making it easy on any guy who talks to him but in the end it is my choice and my life, my dad is only a means of communication with me, but I am difficult person to please and if anyone chooses me he better know I am the real deal and not an option, he wants the treasure he better fight to have it and leave every copy behind because someone knows that I can get used to do being alone.
Casheyane · 31-35, F
It starts there, sure. But what comes after, I believe it is so much more.
Renkon · 41-45, M
@Casheyane Yes, I agree.
I believe it is so much more.
Would you want to elaborate on it a little?
Casheyane · 31-35, F
@Renkon True love introduces the concept of sacrifice. When that happens, the boundary of accepting and giving gets blurry. The weighing scale is no more.
Renkon · 41-45, M
@Casheyane Profound thoughts!
Kae20 · 56-60, FVIP
I think we enter relationships for reasons of wanting Happiness & Personal Growth ❤️
Catzgano · 31-35, F
@Kae20 women maybe?
Those who enter relationships based on deception rarely last longer after the subterfuge is discovered.
@Renkon If they're unaware of the deception, they will enter into the relationship completely blind, they will think it's a normal relationship and try to strengthen it. I have personal experience with this, I had no idea that my late Fiancee was baiting me to get another man jealous enough to leave his own common law wife and their child to be with her. Eight years together, a year before she died from lung issues, she finally confessed to me what she was doing at the start, then everything made sense. I was packed and gone within the hour.
Renkon · 41-45, M
@NativePortlander1970 8 years?! Why do they live such a deceitful life for so long? Nobody benefits from this.
@Renkon Because she claimed when she confessed to me that I eventually won her over.

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