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Fed up with my marriage

I would like to have a sugar daddy for awhile.. Tired of being broke and my useless husband not being a good provider.
Fairydust · F
Maybe work towards making more yourself lol

Provide for yourself 😌
Snuffy1957 · 61-69, M
I'd love to do that myself
Redstar · 36-40, M
@DachieMom So you would be dead if it weren't for him, yet you call him useless behind his back and beg to cheat on him with random people online... 🙄
REMsleep · 41-45, F
@DachieMom Ok so getting a PC is an easy fix. You can get a newly refurbished (PC Laptop) from MicroCenter online for less than $300.00. If you need help finding it I can help you. Or if you need help finding one with the best specs at the lowest cost I can help.
Of course you will need internet and then you could be earning 15 to 20/hr easily with no skills.
Wouldn't that be better than now?
There are many ways to scrounge up $300. Donating blood or plasma several times and you've got it.
There is always a way.
Mindful · 56-60, F
We are all in a position to do what we are able. Each of us responsible for providing for our needs Thru the decisions we each make. Even a man can be overwhelmed and fall short of completely supporting the family in todays society. Pay is not sufficient in the current economy. I doubt that anyone who can’t pay bills feels good about it. If he is an alcoholic make sure he gets help. If he can’t focus maybe he needs medication. Or counseling. As for you, pick up the phone and call your mayor and any city council person and share your struggle. Write. a letter. To anyone in any position of leadership. Let them know. They are often out of touch with peoples struggles. It does matter that you complain in writing. (Not about your husband— about not being able to pay bills.
Queendragonfly · 31-35, F
You wouldn't have survived if it wasn't for him because he's your bank, your legs, yourcar, your roof. Yet you call him useless while you're the one can give him absolutely nothing and even speaks badly about him behind his back.

There's plenty of ways to say you're frustrated that isn't personally degrading a person or blaming them for your own situation.
Then you should tryto get a better paying job
Rhode57 · 56-60, M
Then Leave . Believe me I stayed for years and wish to god I had left years ago . If your unhappy leave.
DachieMom · 56-60
@Rhode57 Wish I could. No job, no money, no car
Rhode57 · 56-60, M
@DachieMom I was worse and I managed . Try suffering ill health , being disabled with no where to go but with the help of my kids I managed to start again . Ok my accomadation isnt great its one room in a geusthouse but its better than a miserable marriage .
Wiseacre · F
Fair enough, however there is big prize tag attached to having a sugar daddy: u're not in charge of ur life.
Snuffy1957 · 61-69, M
I hope you find the happiness and contentment you deserve🤗😘
CestManan · 46-50, F
Get off your lazy butt and get a job you bum! Don't know man want to serve as a sugar daddy for some 60-year-old hag.
CestManan · 46-50, F
@DachieMom no need to queef your tampons out, it was just a damn joke. And you can insult me all you want but just remember this, I am Rubber and you are glue so whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you
DachieMom · 56-60
@CestManan How old are you 12? You dont know my circumstances.
CestManan · 46-50, F
@DachieMom I was born yesterday
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DachieMom · 56-60
Adogslife · 61-69, M
Technically, if you don’t have enough money you’d both be useless.
DachieMom · 56-60
@Adogslife Before I had three jobs. Iam not afraid of work. If I could work again I would.
Adogslife · 61-69, M
@DachieMom Sounds like a problem stemming way back that went unaddressed…
Bleak · 36-40, F
What difference would a sugar daddy make?
DachieMom · 56-60
@Bleak It wouldnt...just venting
BeautifulLibra · 46-50, F
I don't blame you. I have thought about that too
Bklynbadboy12 · 31-35, M
So dump him and move on
DachieMom · 56-60
@Bklynbadboy12 Cant🤔 no job no car no money.
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REMsleep · 41-45, F
@Highonheels Wow wish you guys had communicated more earlier before the problems got so bad. I can say this, as for your kids just be consistent. Call them on birthdays, don't forget. Ask them once a month to go get pizza even if they are grown up ask them to go to lunch at work or you bring them lunch one day.
Text them every now and then just simple whats up or share a meme or inspiration quote.
Those little things that let them know that you care.

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