Matt85 · 36-40, M
Work out loads
th3r0n · 41-45, M
That's a real issue sometimes
Don't be distant, she might walk away
Don't chase her, she might run
Leave her wanting more of your company when you part, make sure to keep things positive and happy, don't compliment her too much but make her feel beautiful at least once a day
Don't be distant, she might walk away
Don't chase her, she might run
Leave her wanting more of your company when you part, make sure to keep things positive and happy, don't compliment her too much but make her feel beautiful at least once a day
SarithBorn · 18-21, M
why do u want her to miss u? 🤔
Just like You can't eat for someone else but you alone, similarly, you can't do elses' work.
Northwest · M
Make her miss you? There seems to be a fundamental problem with your relationship.
Lilnonames · F
First she must love you