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Are you sad because you lost that relationship, or because you lost what you THOUGHT you had?

If it just wasn't there, you've lost nothing. Some people have different preferences, that's all. It's nothing personal. We won't always like the same things. And in that case, it was better to find out now, rather than when kids are involved. Or not.

Always tell yourself the truth of the matter...not how you'd like things to be and it will be so much easier to move on. Then you can find someone who will suit you better. Look forward to that.
To be honest, I’ve been through enough heartbreaks. I don’t even have a heart anymore. Single life forever and by choice.
LadyGrace · 70-79
@AwakeningConfession221122 Yep. What I would like, is simply a male forever friend/companion to hang out with once in awhile, that had no hidden agenda. A gentleman these days is very rare and hard to find. I think they forgot the meaning of what that means to be a real gentleman.
Rilyn · 31-35, F
I lost a lot between last year and this one. Too much. I get PTSD since. But I don't know ..maybe the sun will shine eventually.
Rilyn · 31-35, F
@LadyGrace Hope things stay tolerable then. It's strange how things just shift isnt it?
LadyGrace · 70-79
@Rilyn Yes. Oh, we speak once in a while, but there's certainly nothing there. No feelings at all, on my part. Dead. 😂
Rilyn · 31-35, F
@LadyGrace If it's for the best. Only you know what's best and safe 🌹
Magenta · F
I think both. And it was defo there.

I was thinking, if I could start concentrating on all the bad within it, I could get over it! 🤭
LadyGrace · 70-79
@Magenta Sometimes that does work, yes.
Magenta · F
@LadyGrace I think it could too. But then not very joyful to have all those bad thoughts in our head.
LadyGrace · 70-79
@Magenta Riiiight.
Fairydust · F
I’m not sad anymore, I’m a better person for it, made me learn and look within.

Once you’re over the sadness, you see it differently and with a more clear head.

LadyGrace · 70-79
@Fairydust Absolutely!
CestManan · 46-50, F
The relationship may or may not have been real but eventually they run their course.
LadyGrace · 70-79
@CestManan Yes. Very true.
rrraksamam · 31-35, M
Sounds good

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