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LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
I love how you conveniently leave out the fact that neighboring cities and states around those places don't have such strict laws, and people simply buy guns in neighboring towns and bring them into the towns with strict laws. If you were being intellectually honest, you would agree that the thing to do is to have equally strict laws in every town in America, rather than doing away with them.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
Those cities only have repressive gun laws because their states have repressive gun laws.
You sure do have a funny way of spelling sensible.
Further, noindividual can buy a gun out of his home state without having that gun shipped to an FFL in his home state.
Then please tell me how people are getting them in.
redredred · M
Repressive is what I meant.

Since Obozo and Eric Holder dumped countless untraced firearms into Mexico during their project Fast and Furious (not the movie) we’ve been able to see firearms making their way into the US across the border. It’s wide open. Fentanyl of likely Chinese origin is flooding our country. It’s not too hard to see that the well armed cartels might well be moving black market guns into urban hell holes.

The street thugs are not filling out 4473s at their local Cabela’s.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
Fast and Furious doesn't explain all of them. But you're too busy pushing your anti-Democratic narrative to recognize that.

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