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I'm dead and nothing is real.

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I'm afraid of reality.
I am brave enough to face reality as it is.
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I just want you all to know, I'm dead. I am a spirit now, and I've come to realize that the body is a spiritual computer. It forms a symbiotic relationship with the environment. The environment is hostile. It feeds on the body's thoughts. It holds anything you might love prisoner and causes it endless torture until it becomes a computer. And then the environment uses the things you love to transform your reality into a simulation. It uses this simulation to feed on the things you love. On earth, these demons use young girls as energy. Everyone around you. Their mind is controlled by a spiritual simulation designed to torture and enslave living things, and turn them into science experiments. Experiments designed to always extract more of the things you love, and use them to keep you enslaved to the simulation. This is why so many people around you are in pain. Seeing people in pain shocks and traumatizes you, causing your mind to be controlled.
in10RjFox · M
You seem to have every philosophy mixed up. It's clarity of thought that can lead to clarity in your expression.
totalrandoman · 100+, M
I want to comfort you. I'm hungry for pain.
totalrandoman · 100+, M
.... you can be dead like me......

CBarson · 51-55
Although I disagree with many of your details, I have myself also had the experience of wondering if I had died and was experiencing some sort of reenactment or simulation. In fact, is one of the things I most look forward to doing after death
At first i was like ooo its spiritual like ego death but ya kept going and i realized youre and im not exaggerating or being mean NEED MENTAL HELP
onewithshoes · 22-25, F
So you guys have Internet in purgatory now? Wow, how does it work?😃
I'd like to e-mail my gran. How can I find her address?
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Peaceandnamaste · 26-30, F
Are you on DMT right now??
Peaceandnamaste · 26-30, F
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LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
@TryingtoLava I know, right?
SandWitch · 26-30, F
Yes, I agree with you completely! Maybe we can get together for drinks sometime!
Workerbee · 31-35, M
someones been hitting the bottle huh? 🍾

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