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jasmineOTK · 41-45, F
Kindle says I’m at 23, but that doesn’t count the physical books I’ve read
thisgenericnamehere · 36-40, M
@jasmineOTK That's pretty good!
TAReturns · M
@jasmineOTK impressive
boklenholley7 · F
Goodreads says 33. Much lower than my usual at this point of the year, but damn it's been a year.
thisgenericnamehere · 36-40, M
@boklenholley7 That it has.
hunkalove · 61-69, M
Not very many. I'm going blind and can no longer read real books. I suppose I might have read 20 ebooks, almost all of them the Parker novels by Richard Stark for the 4th time.
@hunkalove I have the same problem. I only read on my laptop now, where I can enlarge the type. I stopped getting giant print books; they're too heavy. I have a giant print Cambridge Bible. It weighs a ton and slides off my lap.
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
41. I think.
Some i gave up on if i couldn't follow the narrative from the first three or four chapters.
Mostly non-fiction event storytelling but there are a few novels and official court/tribunal reports amongst that number.
Some i gave up on if i couldn't follow the narrative from the first three or four chapters.
Mostly non-fiction event storytelling but there are a few novels and official court/tribunal reports amongst that number.
meggie · F
None. I used to love reading but dont get the time anymore. I have joined a few historic and travel groups on facebook, and read a few of their articles.
Crazywaterspring · 61-69, M
Kindle says 43 but a wonderful used bookstore opened not far away.
astrosandorbits · 26-30, M
I'm not sure. Im an avid reader though so ive lost count
JuliaF · 22-25, F
I read a book most weeks. Sometimes 2 or 3. I have plenty of spare time:)
val70 · 51-55
I try to read one book a month for sure
BarbossasSpouse · 36-40, F
One. I think.
Lifeinpieces · 31-35, F
About 3