SomeMichGuy · M
Piper · 61-69, F
I've noticed that. They're either incapable of not seeing everything as "black & white", or refuse to.
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Piper · 61-69, F
And some people are quite intellectually capable of independent thought, seeing more than one side of things others see as 'black & white"..."right" or "wrong", and recognizing that many things just aren't that simple.
NoThanksLeon · M
@Piper Yet at the same time, when some do think outside the box and entertain other possibilities, no matter how remote, they get responses such as "oh brother", "good grief!", 🙄, labeling, or personal attacks.
Make up your mind.
Make up your mind.
NoThanksLeon · M
@Piper While not everything is black & white may be true, the problem is that most liberals think that only THEY are intellectually qualified to determine the gray areas and the 'proper' solutions.
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