GlitzandGlamber · 26-30, F
Hmm... 🤔 Probably about 30-50 give or take, depending. Sometimes more, sometimes less. That sounds like a lot and I keep thinking I'm exaggerating, but then when I think about it and do the math it's gotta be about that. I'm a voracious reader, I'm a real book worm! I loves to read. And I also have been told I read very quickly, and sometimes read multiple books during the same periods, generally only if they are on different subjects though. So that could be why too. Sometimes like Invinsible said tho I also go through periods where I read more non-book material than actual books. I always read in whatever form quite a bit tho. I loves to learn. Have an insatiable hunger for knowledge.
How about you Monsuier?! 🙃
How about you Monsuier?! 🙃
LordofFlatbush · 56-60, M
Wow, I'm impressed. I read about a solid 8-10 myself if I'm lucky. I love books. Always buy a new one whenever I'm in my favorite bookstore. My backlog is ridiculous and I wonder if I'll ever read them all. Wish I could read more, but I work so much and usually to tired when I get home. I do the reading challenge on Goodreads every year and never meet my goal.
Invisible · 26-30, M
Maybe a half a dozen to a dozen. I read a lot more non-book material than actual books

not enough

About 4 since every 4 months a new one is released of my current favorite series
LipstickandHeels · 56-60, F
I probably average one a week, so that would be 50ish, but of course it depends on the length of the book. Non fiction can be a slower read.
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