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Where do you like to read?

Everywhere I have sought rest
and not found it,
except sitting
in a corner by myself...
with a little book.
Thomas a Kempis
In bed for the most part. It’s where I feel coziest and most relaxed, which puts me in a reading mood. 📕
GrannyWeatherwax · 61-69, FNew
@OlderSometimesWiser Me too! The best for comfort.
Teslin · M
I've been listening to audio books whenever alone in the car. My only quiet place.
Shybutwilling2 · 61-69, FNew
@Teslin nice
Teslin · M
@Shybutwilling2 Thank you
Pherick · 41-45, M
Everywhere. In bed quite a bit, during my lunch break in various places, on my couch sometimes ...
Bellatrix2024 · 22-25, F
Wherever and whenever it's peaceful and quiet, but modern 'civilisation' is so LOUD and noisy! People should turn off their stupid 'smartphones' and then toss them in a large body of water. We need to go back to how life used to be, prior to the development of the internet, social media and mobile phones.
GrannyWeatherwax · 61-69, FNew
@Bellatrix2024 Would be nice, but we're so reliant on technology now. But I do turn off my laptop for a day or two. But like to carry my mobile with me in case of emergencies.
ReneeT · 61-69, M
Either in bed or my favorite comfy chair
GrannyWeatherwax · 61-69, FNew
@ReneeT Two of my favourite places!
wetncthru · F
Sitting in window, may be some quiet music, may be a coffee + cognac too.
GrannyWeatherwax · 61-69, FNew
@wetncthru Ooh, cognac!! 🥃
Jlhzfromep · M
on a white sand beach with the sound of the ocean waves in the background
ChipmunkErnie · 70-79, M
Mostly in bed, but during cold weather sitting in front of the fire.
Maritocorneo · 56-60, M
On the airplane when I travel
Shybutwilling2 · 61-69, FNew
Sitting in my recliner
Miked43 · 51-55, M
Library in a comfy chair.
WillaKissing · 56-60
I live alone and can read anywhere I wish without much bother, that is until one or both dogs begin to poke me with their wet noses.

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