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My Kindle Contents Part 1

December 16, 2015

1. The Philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche -- H.L. Mencken
2. The Philosophy of Disenchantment -- Edgar Saltus

February 10, 2019

3. The Delphi Complete Works of Friedrich Nietzsche

March 17, 2019

4. The Writings of Aleister Crowley

October 30, 2019

5. The Haunting of Hill House -- Shirley Jackson

January 27, 2020

6. Recovery -- Russell Brand
7. Alcohol Lied to Me -- Craig Beck -- this is the book that helped most for me to stop drinking.

December 9, 2020

8. a couple books about Ingmar Bergman

March 24, 2021

9. a bunch of books on slasher movies, also another one on March 27.

April 24, 2021

10. The Secret History of Twin Peaks -- Mark Frost

June 6, 2021

complete and collected works of:

11. James Joyce
12. Ernest Hemingway
13. Honore de Balzac
14. D.H. Lawrence
15. Fyodor Dostoevsky

June 14, 2021

16. A Work of Madness -- a book written by a member here, not sure if he's still around.

October 21, 2021

17. The short stories of Anton Chekhov

November 14, 2021

18. Lonesome Dove -- Larry McMurtry
19. Let's Go Play at the Adams -- Mendal W. Johnson
20. ESV Classic Reference Bible
21. The Decline of the West -- Oswald Spengler
22. The Big Book of the Masters of Horror: 120+ authors
23. The Raymond Chandler Megapack
24. Dashiell Hammett collection
25. John Owen 55 in 1 collection
26. Complete works of Jonathan Edwards
27. and 8 Cioran books -- yes, this was my first kindle splurge on November 14, 2021.

I look forward to sharing the rest of my kindle contents, at least that which i got the pricey way.
bookerdana · M
Ah, Mencken ..the guy who coined the term boobus Americanus but hardly got out of his home town to meet actual Americans..a must!😑
I read Jackson's book..thats great writing..and I still haven't read Dostoevsky and thats my shame...pretty heady stuff
bookerdana · M
@MrGumHead I say The Wild One...but then again,"I coulda been someone..I coulda been a contender
MrGumHead · 46-50
@bookerdana I hear ya, and it could have starred just someone who vaguely looks like Marlon.

Tonight's entertainment here will be season 3 disc 5 of mannix.
bookerdana · M
@MrGumHead My Mom loved Mannix..or anything where the game was afoot..and people got coshed over the head😆 I love good spy dramas..maybe its genetic
I have too many to list

MrGumHead · 46-50
@NativePortlander1970 You could do a series!! :)

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