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How much are your reading preferences based on your mood?

If I want to cheer up, I prefer adventure novels like something willbur smith wrote.

When Im too energetic I prefer writers like kafka.

What about you? How do your preferences change based on how you feel?
Disgustedman · 61-69, M
My moods never really were dictating my reading choice. It was the quality of the writer that really was Paramount. It was like Stephen King at first but as he got more mental I quit reading him because God it was just so hard to get through the books.

Dick Francis murder mystery Louis L'Amour westerns I tried Dean Koontz once he started going into like the ridiculous thing about there was a detective that could make quarters disappear after that I quit reading him that got stupid.

Leon Uris excellent if you really want a good end of the world book "Lucifer's Hammer" is the best end of the world coment strike you'll ever read. It is honest what will happen I mean you can almost believe the Bible from that.
CBarson · 51-55
I linger in one genre a while, then grow restless and need a change. My last binge was Anne Rice, like 5 or 7 of her novels consecutively. Now during summer months I am into fantasy. Two Wheel of Time novels when news of the 2nd season hit, now in the middle of Janet Morris' Silistra quartet, and also Locke Lamora. When in the mood for frivolity, a Dr. Who audiobook
When I'm in a bad mood I hate reading. When I'm in a good mood I also hate reading.
Sidewinder · 36-40, M
Many of them are.

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