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any horror story lovers here as well??😊😊😊 ive got a question 4 u

i love reading and listening 2 horror stories (including online horror stories, yt creepypastas, reddit horror subs), but its some time since ive read any rl horror novels already... any recommendations??😊😊😊
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SatanBurger · 36-40, F
I listen to podcasts from Spotify at work because my work is pretty boring but normally I read books. The horror podcasts have a mixture of things. Some of them have like sketches as their intro before they get into the fiction part but it's really well done.

I make playlists and just put different short stories on there and then kind of let them play through as I work. But I'm also seriously wondering if I should just listen to the podcasts straight through because they are decent.

I'll give you a list of some of the BEST short stories I've heard so far.

Here's some of my favorite short stories so far:

1. Drabblecast Director's Cut: Teddy Bears and Tea Parties - HIGHLY recommended and I mean it's pretty excellent as far as storytelling goes. It's like a cross between cosmic horror and a super dark fairy tale.

2. The Slip - Manor House podcast, a story about a man who purchases a new house and finds errr.. something there.

3. In Human - Manor House podcast a story about how a serial killer may not be all what he seems.

4. Playing Monster - Manor House podcast a story about children and an apocalypse, it's kind of horror-ish but also somewhat sad too. It's like dark fantasy but not quite horror but horror at the same time I guess.

5. 10qt by Matt Cummings - a really good short story about an apocalypse and the internet. It's horror-ish but more of a dark satire. It's horrifying but also funny in some parts.

6. What Stays Below- Manor House podcast is an interesting story about a guy who gets a job at a morgue that also isn't what it seems.

7. The Night Wire by H.F. Arnold - EnCrypted: The Classic Horror Podcast, a story about a person whose job it is to type the news as it comes out when one of his co-workers begins typing up apocalyptic news stories from a town that seemingly doesn't exist.

8. The Voice In The Night By William Hope Hodgson - EnCrypted: The Classic Horror Podcast, a story about two fishermen who are visited by strangers on the water who tell of a horrifying story that happened to them. Also really decent.

9. The Hanging Stranger by Philip K. Dick - on the podcast 1001 Ghost Stories & Tales of the Macabre ... it's just great because Philip K. Dick is excellent even at the horror genre. He's just a good all around writer I guess.

10. The Wallpaper Out of Space - Drabblecast podcast, a story about nice wallpaper :)

Here are some single story fiction podcasts that aren't short stories you may like:

1. The Edge of Sleep, a fictional podcast story on Spotify about an apocalypse where mass people just suddenly die in their sleep. Also written really well.

2. Alice Isn't Dead - Night Vale Presents (I think it's on several different channels on Spotify so I put Night Vale so you can find the correct one.) This story is really great and I mean genuinely it's pretty good. It's kind of in the vein of horror but it's more like dark fantasy.

It's about a truck driver who goes in search of her missing wife but along the way gets dragged into all sorts of strange phenomena including (taken from the story description) not-quite-human serial killers, towns literally lost in time and a conspiracy that goes beyond one missing woman.

Probably one of the more interesting podcasts that I've enjoyed and also highly recommended.

3. Unwell - a midwestern gothic story about a woman who moves in with her estranged mother and finds things like ghosts and odd residents.
I've enjoyed these, a collaboration between Lincoln Child and Douglas Preston

Pendergast series:
Relic (Pendergast #1), 1995
Reliquary (Pendergast #2), 1997
The Cabinet of Curiosities (Pendergast #3), 2002

There are 16 more in the series.

Also, The House Next Door by Anne Rivers Siddons
Ferric67 · M
Shirley Jackson's House on Haunted Hill is a frictitious story based on accounts she came across while researching her book. I never read it, but I hear that it's truly a chilling tale. If I ever do get my hands on a copy I gladly would read it.
@Ferric67 Maybe you're thinking of the Haunting of Hill House?

You can read it free online if you're willing to scroll past the length introduction/ analysis and ads.,3,39036-the_haunting_of_hill_house.html
Ferric67 · M
@Mamapolo2016 thank you very much
SatanBurger · 36-40, F
Aside from my last comment on here where I give a list of short stories, I've since found some more on spotify. Wrong Station, Darkest Night, The Dark Verse, Tales To Terrify, Pseudopod, Lore, Last Podcast on the Left.

All of them with hundreds of episodes to keep you from boredom lol.
Kwek00 · 41-45, M
Stephen King - "The Ledge"
Published in an incredible collection called "Night Shift"
Aquatic1 · F
I used to love treading Lovecraft novels before bed. Traditional good creepy tales. 🙂
lisasweety · 22-25, F
@Aquatic1 ive listened 2 most them on yt already... ill look out if there r more novels i missed thou thx😊
Aquatic1 · F
@lisasweety Haunter Of The Dark is a short but great story.
lisasweety · 22-25, F
@Aquatic1 ok ill take a look at it thx😊😊😊
MrBrownstone · 46-50, M
I only watch them on YouTube
lisasweety · 22-25, F
@MrBrownstone what type of horror on yt?
MrBrownstone · 46-50, M
@lisasweety Real encounters/ creepy pasta
basilfawlty89 · 36-40, M
Take a look at Stephen King, especially The Shining.
I'd also look into Clive Barker and E.A Poe. The Hellbound Heart by Barker is great. Poe is of course always a classic.
Ferric67 · M
@basilfawlty89 Clive Barker is great
SatanBurger · 36-40, F
@basilfawlty89 I LOVE Clive Barker.
DocSavage · M
Ray Bradbury : The Small Assassin

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