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I Have Something to Say

Random Memory #1
November 14th, 1988 -

It's 5:30pm and Becky (my sister-in-law) is rubbing my wifes shoulders. The contractions are about 8 minutes apart.

Time to move into the delivery room. Soon we'll welcome my daughter Amanda into the world. It's our first baby.

Vicky walks slowly from the cafeteria to the delivery room and I head down the hallway to where the doctor is.

He helps me with the scrubs. The nurse and Becky position Vicky on the bed, she rolls over for the epidural.

The dressings and pads are in place. Contractions are closer now. Becky is holding Vickys hand.

I'm on the receiving end...the doctor is on my right explaining what will happen and what to do. The nurse is coaxing Vicky when to breathe.

6:00pm....contractions are right on top of each other.

Vicky is huffing and puffing....hard labor.

"Push Vicky...PUSH!", the nurse says.

I'm in amazement as Amandas head starts to appear. "Crowning" they call it.

The doc tells me to support her head as she starts to come out.
He tells me "Now guide her head over so her shoulders can pass the canal." only words so far were "Oh my...okay"
On the other end, Vicky is pushing and grunting

I hold her head slightly...guiding her head gently over so her shoulders can clear.
The nurse says, "Come on....One more time Vicky!"

Her shoulders appear....then the rest of her. "oh my god"

I'm holding my daughters slippery body. I'm so terrified of dropping her
" you go", The doc hands me a bulb syringe.
I clear out her nose and mouth. Then the cry.
That precious cry.
"time...6:15" the doc says

All the emotions rush in. Excitement, amazement, pride, love...etc

The cord is clipped...we wipe Amanda, wrap her up and hand her to Vicky.
I walk up to Vicky as she's holding our beautiful daughter as emotions are still high.
Our daughters crying has subsided.
She's so precious and beautiful.
Life is precious.

Welcome to the world Amanda. We love you. <3
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adventerous99 · 56-60, M
That sounded amazing. Being a dad for the first time is pretty special.

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