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I Have Something to Say

I know this incredible place a few miles from where I live. It's a cliff side that overlooks my city. It's just off an abandoned dirt road. I love the quiet. I love the sound of the wind in the leaves and the birds flying in the air. I love the feel of the wind flowing through my hair. This is the spot where all my worries melt away. It feels like the world has been lifted off of my shoulders. Do you have a special spot that does that for you?
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AwakenEdge · 51-55, F
Sitting on a beach or anything close to any body of water is mine.
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funfan · 51-55, M
@StormyLynn 5 years later, is that place still as special?
StormyLynn · 31-35, F
@funfan I do still visit that area and it still hilds a special place for me
BearDownChicago · 41-45, M
Sounds quite tranquil. Would be nice to go and collect your thoughts. Solve problems. Let the answers come to you
My cabin in the woods next to a bubbling stream, the most serene environment I know
StormyLynn · 31-35, F
@SW-User Sounds epic!
@StormyLynn The best friend I ever had too :)
DrWatson · 70-79, M
There is a cabin in the woods that I go to for a few days every summer. I have that same feeling as soon as I get out of the car and walk up to the place.
Any time I am in the woods, communing with nature, I often find that peaceful for me, especially when there is a cabin I can escape to
StormyLynn · 31-35, F
@SW-User That is perfect!!!
Lovely I have. Similar one ,it overlooks the ocean and rocky cliffs below 😊
StormyLynn · 31-35, F
@Realniceone4you: Very nice!!
Thanks 😊 Lovely meeting you @StormyLynn:
Mysteriousliaisons · 56-60, M
Sounds lovely . I have a place near the seaside ,high above on the cliffs overlooking the waves crashing against the rocks 😊
It is good you have a place like that for you I have not found mine but everyone should have a place like that
TheEldersnout · 31-35, F
Oh man, I used to have several spots like that. I've moved quite a lot within my own country, but some of my favorite places were in this small town the its surroundings - in the middle of the forest there were a few fields, and a worn down horse stable, where my former best friend and I just sat and talked. Another place was the harbor; you could jump on the rocks all the way out to tip of the pier. (I think that's how to say it in English?)
Frankly I could probably go on for hours, as I've always found these little peaceful and beautiful places anywhere I've lived.
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Viper · M
I used to, not currently though, hopefully someday I will again :)
Montanaman · M
Yes, it's where I go for a cold one, confession. 💕
A beach cove about 3 miles walk from my home. No one else ever seems to be there, perhaps because it is quite difficult to walk down to. I can go there at low tide, take off my shoes and socks and wade in the rock pools. Or I can go at high tide and cling to the rocks while I am being sprayed from three sides by the sea 😌
LondonCowboy · 51-55, M
I have a few places like that in London where my cares just slip away ❤️
Sennayara23 · 26-30, T
Rooftops. Especially those ones where we are not aloud tot be
Tukudo · 41-45, M
riverside is my spot.
@Tukudo California?
Tukudo · 41-45, M
Any riverside...but I never seen California rivers...😀 @WarmAtNight
My 5th

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